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Harry Styles 

I ran by the ships, her father was yelling at Seraphina and she was yelling back. 

"You ruined his life!" She exclaimed. "You're the worst person I had ever seen! I wish you'd burn in hell!" She yelled, his handing raising up to slap her. But I ran and stopped him in the last second. 

"Don't you ever raise your hand at her ever again!" I warned him.

"Oh isn't it The Harry Styles. How's your father Harry? I bet he's doing really well."

I couldn't help but punch him, hard. "You're as tough as your father Edward, you know that?" He smirked, then I punched him once again. 

"Why? Why did you kill him?" I pushed him to the ground.

"He was a disgrace for the Valentine Family."

"You murderer! Didn't you think about me? My sister?" I cried. I sat on the ground, and he started laughing. He pulled his sword up and hit in on the ground, I moved quickly so I don't get hit.

"Dodge my hits as long as you want, but I will get you, Styles. You're the last Styles alive. And I don't plan on keeping it that way.

The last Styles alive. Wrong. 

"You're wrong. There's still one Styles left. My mom, rings a bell?"

"Oh, Anne Styles. Right, right, how could I forget? How foolish of me," He smirked. He charged his sword at me, and I got down, him missing. 

"Someday, I will beat you, Hephaestus."

"Oh please, I'm invincible." I couldn't do anything, he was right. 

"Harry, just give up. You and your father are dead. Well, you will be dead."

"No, he won't be dead," Zeus? "Guards take Hephaestus away and lock him up." They took him away, and Zeus came.

"Harry, I think somebody wants to meet you," Zeus said, and a woman with long brown hair came. 

"But -uh- who's she?"

"Harry Styles, meet Anne Styles." 

A/N: Oh my god, another story finished. Like how? I want to thank everyone who took time to read this story. Personally, I enjoyed writing this story more than My Best Friend. I want to thank everyone who read, vote, and commented.

I want to thank you guys also for having it at 1k. 

Stay beautiful ^^ 


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