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[ a bit from last chapter ]

"Go out and never come back inside if you come back, you shall die and your soul would be added to my Kingdom."

"K-kill me."


"Excuse me?"

"I said, kill me. Let me join him."

"I wouldn't kill my brother's daughter."

"Cerberus would kill me. Not you." Suddenly the dog started barking, and I turned around to see Harry.

"Seraphina! I told you not to come here you could've gotten hurt."

"Harry, leave." I said.

"No, Seraphina! He wouldn't listen to you. He wouldn't get him back."

"Then, I have to join him."

"Are you crazy?! You joining him?! Have you thought about your parents?! Your best friend?! Me?!"

"Harry, i believe she said to leave." Hades said. Harry looked at me right in the eye, and shook his head and left.

When I looked into his eyes, I felt the same when I looked into Alec's eyes. I know I love Harry. But I can't bare that I killed Alec. I got Alec killed. I'm a murderer. I feel guilty. I want to join him, then maybe my guilt would fade away.

I looked at Hades, then at the light. I shook my head and started walking outside. I knew were Harry would be right now, either his house, or that green place were we met.

First, I went to his house and knocked several times but there wasn't answer. Guess, he's at that green field. I went over there, and found him sitting down. I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Whoever you are, leave me alone right now."

"Harry, it's me." He looked up at me and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. But I could see he was crying.

"You came back." He said, and I hugged him.

"I just have to move on. I love you, and that what matters, right?"

"But, why did you go?"

"I feel guilty. I feel like I killed him."

"You didn't kill him. Your father did." I hugged him once again as he kissed my forehead.

But do you understand there's about seven more chapters? Brb crying.

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