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Seraphina Valentine

I always seemed to be thinking of Alec. I wanted to see him, and be with him. But Harry's words are always on my mind.

Could I possibly fall in love with a human once again? But, how? After what I have done to Alec how could I even think of such a thing. I can't get Harry killed as well. I wouldn't bare with it.

But I love him.

I do, but I think that his life is much more important than my happiness. I want to leave him, but I can't. I love him.

But what about Alec? You killed him and now you're going to fall in love? My subconscious said.

I didn't kill Alec. I mean, did I? I'm not ashamed of loving a human. Most importantly I wasn't ashamed of loving Alec. There was always something about Alec. He was a gentleman. Nice, wonderful, nothing like the rest of the humans on earth.

Maybe I should see Alec. Maybe it wasn't him, but it was his beautiful pure soul. A soul that has gone to waste.

I left Harry's house knowing I should go to the underworld, even though it might result me in being dead. But I don't think I care whether I'm dead or alive. Both of those seems the same right now.

Once I was inside, I could hear the barking of the three headed watchdog. I walked deeper.

"I-i want to see Hades, Cerberus." I said to the dog, Cerberus. Suddenly, Hades came inside.

"Who dares to enters my Kingdom?!" He said.

"I wan-t to s-ee Al-ec."

"Didn't they warn you about not coming here?" Hades said coming closer to me.

"I just w-wanted to see h-him. "

"Sweetie, he's long gone. He's dead. And no living soul could ever see his ghostly shadow."

"Please! I beg you, H-Hades. " tears started falling. "Please."

"Go out and never come back inside if you come back, you shall die and your soul would be added to my Kingdom."

"K-kill me."

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