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Harry Styles

You can't force anyone to fall in love with you. They have to fall in love with you with their own will. Forcing them into things isn't the right way to make them fall for you either. The only way you can make them fall for you, is of course, be yourself and most important be respectful and give them space as well.

Seraphina, isn't like all the girls I had met. In fact, she was more beautiful than any girl. Moreover, she was undoubtedly wise. She knew how life works, and how unfair it is. She does believe in love, but what's keeping her all alone is that she's scared of falling in love and loosing him again. She's brave, and I found that about her when she said she went to talk to Hades. Hades killes everyone who dares to go down to the underworld. And he most definitely would have killed her. Seraphina isn't immortal like her parents, she has a time where she would die.

I just can't believe I almost kissed her. I almost kissed the daughter of a goddess. I would have ended up dead. What if, she did love me but she's scared? Would I actually tell her I love her too?

We've hanged out a lot, and it's been a month since we've known each other. It's actually amazing how time flies by when you're having fun. Even though sometimes she ends up crying remembering Alec. I got to admit, Alec was one really lucky guy. And from what she had told me, he was a great guy. He treated her with respect and never made her shed a tear.

Now, all I can ever think of is her. What she's doing right now, or with whom she is. I just can't believe she's still with Niall. He doesn't deserve her, no wonder she doesn't love him. Now, he's blackmailing her that he would tell everyone that she killed Alec (even though she didn't and he, himself, knows that) and he makes her go out with him.

I don't think it's fair for her. She can't make her heart stop for someone who she does love. Let alone, he loves her back. And I have to admit, that I am impressed by her.

I have to admit also that, I am completely in love with Seraphina Valentine, and this love will be the death of me.

A/N: I apologise for not updating yesterday, but I had to figure what im going to wear since I was out with my best friend today :)

Anyways, I really hope you liked this update. It's more like him talking about her then admitting he's in love with her.

(Don't worry this story is not going to end for about ten to fifteen more chapters.)

Vote, comment, and tell me your opinions about this story because I do care.

You can point out any flaws there is, I wouldn't get offended in fact I would be happy you told me so I would fix that in the following updates.



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