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Seraphina Valentine

Today, was the day I would tell my mom about my relationship with Niall. One heck of a day. He'll be over in a bit, I changed my clothes and then I went over to her room where Niall was already there.

They were laughing about something, but I didn't really want to know.

"Mom, could we talk to you about something?" I asked, Niall holding my hand. (He's acting; he's supposed to hold my hand.)

"Sure, anything."

"So you told me if I fell in love with someone you would treat me equally to my siblings. So, I, fell in love with this blonde guy right here. This guy, who, fell in love with me as well."

"I'm so happy for you both, I knew something was going on when I saw you both the first time."

"And we're going on a date tonight." Niall, said. What? We didn't agree on that.

"Oh, you are. I'll make sure to have her ready by seven o'clock."

"Niall, and I should go." We left the room and went to my room. I turned around, "What were you thinking?!"

"I thought it could make her believe it more."

"It wasn't part of the plan, Niall!"

"Whats the problem? The truth is I fell in love with you. I fell in love with every single thing that you do-"

"Stop, I don't want to listen."

"Why? Is it because you fell in love with that stupid human?" Now, I got angry. How dare he?!

"How dare you?! For your information, he's the sweetest person I had ever met. He was there for me more than you ever had been, and you know what's wrong with you? You judge too quickly. And yes, I might have fallen in love with him, but no its not any of your business. With whatever I do, don't get your nose into everything-"I get caught off by his lips against mine. I tried pushing him off me, but he held on even stronger.

"Why don't you fall in love with me? Why don't you love?" He said against the kiss, I kept on pushing him, or trying to. That's when Niall was pushed off by someone, Harry?

"When a lady pushes you off, you get off her. Don't you dare touch her ever again." Harry threatened.

"Oh, so you are dating him."

"I found out what happened, your father told me. Didn't you learn from the last time, you got Alec killed."

"It wasn't my fault."

"You fell in love with him, and you dragged him. You made him fall in love with you, and you got him killed." I was on the verge of tears.

I couldn't control myself and I started crying.

I know it's my fault. I know I'm an awful person. I got the person I loved killed, how ironic.

"I think it's time for you to leave, Niall."

"Who are you, to tell me what to do, human?" He snickers.

"He might be human, but he still has his dignity and manners." With that, Niall turned angrily and left the room.

I turn to Harry who was nervously playing with his fingers. He looked up to meet my eyes, and I smile and thank him. I had tears on my cheeks so he wipes them out.

"Don't cry, it wasn't your fault. You can't control your feelings can you? No. And that's not your fault. It's your father's fault, he killed him." I give Harry a hug.

"Thank you for being there for me."

He smiled at me, he's a perfect human.

A/N: Triple update because I'm even more awesome :)


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