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Third Person

These weeks were all about nightmares. Seraphina was dreaming about Harry getting hurt by her father, but her father always stopped in the last minute.

She has been following her father everywhere, trying to know anything he's hiding. She'd follow him, being quite so she wouldn't get caught. But he didn't know anything suspicious. Following him was a total waste of her time.

Then again, she kept on following him, making sure he will make a mistake. Do something that will most definitely be a piece of these problems. One clue, that could unearth all the secrets that have been buried and burned.

She knew she will be going to open scars and wounds all over again. But she couldn't do anything, she wanted to know the truth. Who did her father kill that was so important to Harry. She wanted to help Harry.

Most of all, she was hoping he was a son of a God so he would be able to be with her. But it was out of the ordinary. If so, where's his mother or father? They must be a God and a Goddess, not humans.

She haven't seen Harry in a really long while now, she's doing him a favor after all. She previously told him everything, and promised him to know what's the big secret.

She walked behind her father, when he suddenly turned and saw her. His eyes showed anger, and disappointment.

"Seraphina, are you following me?!"

"No, no. I'm not, it's just our ways are the same."She lied.

"Really? It seems that you are. You know, you have been following me for the past couple days." She widened her eyes. "So, I'm right. May I know what's making you follow me?"

She stood there, hesitating whether to tell him or not. "I'm waiting." He said.

She took a deep sigh, and began telling him everything. From meeting Harry till her following him, but minus the part were Harry and her loved each other in.

Oops, her father will be aaanggggrrrryyy.

I've noticed the reads really got low after some updates. Is the story boring? If it is, just say so. Or, point out any flaw in it, maybe grammar or spelling mistakes? Or, I keep repeating things? Or I don't know, anything that you don't find great in it. And I will definitely try and edit those chapters again. It's no big deal. So, please tell me, and I'll happily answer your Comments and make sure to edit them, bye xx

All the love L x

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