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I sat next to Niall and Hebe trying to make it a good plan so we don't get caught we're lying. If my mother hates anything more than me not believing in love, its lying. She hates lying. The last time I lied, I ended up ground. Just for lying.

"What if she doesn't believe it?" I asked.

"I'm ninety-seven point six she will believe it." Niall says laughing.

"Can you be more accurate?" I asked sarcastically.

"You need to handle that mouth of yours." Niall says, and I just roll my eyes.

"So, when will we do the plan?"

"We have to make it after some time, she'll suspect us if we do it soon."

"Suspect what?" The door opened revealing my mother dressed in her usual gold dress.

"Nothing." We all said in a unison.

"Alright. We're going out in some time. It's a family outing, but you can bring Hebe and that young friend of yours." Niall stood up, to introduce himself.

"I'm Niall. Hebe's and Seraphina's friend." He smiled at her, and she returned the gesture.

"You're more than welcome to join, Niall and Hebe." Niall nodded and turned to talk to Hebe while my mother winked at me. Part one, complete.

Part one is for Niall talk and act like a gentleman and introduce himself. She started to like him which is a good thing. He did act like a gentleman. And introduced himself like he's a prince or something.

Niall, Hebe and I walked out of the room.

"I have been trying to talk to Carl for a while, but he always blows me off for something else." Hebe complained, and I sigh for the hundredth time.

"Well, ever thought of making him jealous?" I suggested. "If he does love you he would do something about it and wouldn't blow you off." I said. Both of them stared at me widened eyed.

"Uh, yeah, that might actually work. But, how? Like, how did you know what I should do?"

"Uh, my mom talks a-bout love a lot." I made up a lie. They just shrugged it off, and we continued walking till we reached our destination and my parents and siblings following.

A/N: Harry, I promise, would be here in the upcoming chapters. Though, he's not going to show before at least five chapters. I planned this story, from a to z so I know everything. Vote and comment and tell me your opinions.


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