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Seraphina Valentine

I stared at my father. I couldn't tell if he was mad or disappointed. I know what I did was wrong, but he left me no choice. He killed so many pure souls. I can't just stand there and not doing anything. I had to take matters Into my own hands.

"--I can explain."

"Explain?! How could you explain killing so many souls?! Huh?! You're unbearable. You're-- there is no word to describe you. A murderer."

"Seraphina, I'm still your father."

"A father I wished I didn't have. What's the big secret? Tell me."

"That's non of your business."

"But it is Harry's business." I looked directly into his eyes. He let out a sigh, and opened his mouth to talk.

"It happened about twenty or twenty-one years ago."


Third Person

Harry was sitting with his mother. She was playing with his hair, while he held a book. They were waiting for Harry's father, he was away since there was a war. He was said to be coming back today.

Both of them waited and waited. No one came. Not even one knock on the door. Harry's mother slowly started to lose hope, until, a knock on the door awoke Harry and called his mother.

His mother ran, and opened the door, and found his father in the arms of Hephaestus. She looked at his full body, he wasn't breathing. He immediately fell to the ground and started crying.

Hephaestus placed him on the bed, Anne, sat next to him, begging him. Harry didn't understand anything. Yet, he didn't like the image of his mother crying. He knew she was sad.

He was just an innocent little boy, a boy who didn't know his father just said goodbye to the world. A boy, who thought his father was sleeping just like any normal day after war.

"H-How did he--?"

"By a sword." Hephaestus said.

But she didn't know all the story. Before some days, Hephaestus, had an important meeting with the army of his enemies. They decided to kill Edward since he was a human who married Anne who was a goddess.

One of those soldiers, killed Edward. And when she knew, Hephaestus, threatened to kill Harry if she didn't disappear.

"You wouldn't tell anyone you're a goddess. You just died, you're a human. You disappear from here completely." Hephaestus said.

End of flashback.

Seraphina by now was drowning in her own tears. She couldn't believe her ears. She was wishing that her ears are tricking here, but as sad as it seems, it was all real.

"You murderer!" She screamed. "You're crazy! I hope you die in hell! I hate you! I feel so sad that I have a father like you! How could you?! He was just a small child! You made him live in hell! You're insane!" She yelled crying.

She immediately ran in the other direction. Hoping she wouldn't see Harry anytime soon. She doesn't have the guts to look at his face.

She wished she didn't know the truth. Yet, she was glad she did.

A/N: It's been a while. Sorry for the late update, it's just I haven't had time. I have so many assignments, and exams, and I might fail a whole school year because of one subject. It's been stressful for me. You know? But I'm back now, I'll update on weekends since I'll have 48 hours for myself.

Another thing, I bet you warent expecting this. I think there's about 2 more chapter. Brace yourselves. K bye.


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