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Third Person

Seraphina was laying on her bed. She was Sholing her pillow. It had tears on it. Harry wanted to find a way to talk to her, but she kept on pushing him away. He loved her, and he cared about her, a lot.

A loud knock came from the door. And Seraphina said come in. Harry came in and her expression changed.

"Please don't kick me out yet," He said. "I wanna know what's wrong. Please, Seraphina. I care about you, you know that." She heard the last words and started to cry. He sat next to her, holding her tight.

"I'm so sorry, Harry." She apologized to him.

"Sorry for what?" He asked. She got an envelope and handed it to him.

"I'm want you to read this. I want you to know everything. You've been living in a big lie all your life. You deserve a bit of truth. I wrote everything here."

"Calm down, love," He said. "The truth about what?"

"Just go home and read it. I'm so sorry. I don't know if you'd want to see me ever again. But I swear I had no idea of everything. I love you with all my heart." She opened the door and he left.

Harry Styles

I got home anxious to read the envelope. I sat down and ripped open the envelope. The handwriting was neat and clean.

Dear Harry,

By the time you're reading this, I'd be leaving. I want to apologize for what you're going to read now.

On the behalf of my father, I apologize for everything. Even though an apology won't change reality.

When I first met you, I thought you were a very fascinating person. But I found out about something.. I know would change everything between us.

I have been following my father for months, since I heard about that conversation. The big secret, and Niall being killed. I found out about everything.

My father paid his enemies to kill your father since he's a human and he married your mother who is a goddess. You lost your family because of me. Because your mother is a goddess, she is still alive. But I'm so sorry I didn't find her.

You might be shocked right now, but please don't hate me..

Sincerely, Seraphina

Tears built up in my eyes. It was her father. I read it once and twice and even more. Until I realized, she's leaving.

A/N: so there's one more chapter, and an epilogue. Okay? Brb crying k.

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