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Seraphina Valentine

I screamed on the top of my lungs when I saw my dad putting a sword on Harry's neck. It had initials carved in the sword, E.H.G.A, huh? What does it mean?

"Dad, don't, please, don't," I cried. "Harry, you won't leave. I promise."

"Seraphina! Leave his room for once and for all!" My father yelled.

"No father! You killed the person I cared about once, you killed Alec! You killed the person who I fell in love with. You better not do anything to Harry." And that's when Harry's head flew off and hit my feet. I screamed.






I woke up breathing really fast. I took a sip of water from the cup beside me. Goodness, those dream are back, this time not Alec its Harry.

Alec, the only guy I ever loved. And the reason I didn't love anymore. He didn't hurt me, he never did.

Let's just forget about this for now, I have to talk Harry. I have to ask him about the sword and initials. I change into a golden dress and pull my hair up. I exit the-What-I-call-castle. Harry had taken me to his house before to hang out.

I quickly leave Olympus and go to his house. I knock on the door several times till he opens.

"Seraphina? What are you doing here? - I mean, come in." He blushed and I went inside.

"I'm sorry for coming like that. I just wanted to ask you about something."

"Sure, whats up?"

"Do you have a sword?"

"A sword, for you?"

"No, of course not. It's for my...father!" I quickly said.

"Yeah, I have a sword, though it's for my father."

"Do you have any siblings Harry?"

"I had a sister."

"What do you mean had?"

"She died as well...a disease."

"I'm so sorry, Harry."

"Her name was Gemma." Gemma. The 'G' from the initials. Maybe it's the name of his family? And 'H' stands for Harry.

"What's the name of your parents?"

"Edward and Anne. But what's with all questions, are you okay?" I nodded, but I still have no idea why my dad was killing him.

"Hey, you asked a lot of questions I believe it's my turn to ask you. Let me just get you the sword."

"No, no. I think my brother has. No need." I made up a lie.

"Okay? Let me ask you then. Uh, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty."

"I'm twenty-one. Okay, why don't you believe in love?"

"I rather not answer that, Harry."

"You have to. Please, you can trust me." I sigh trying to hold back all the tears.

"I- fell in love with a guy once called Alec. He was a human, we loved each other so much..." I took a deep breath. "We loved each other so much we even thought about getting married. But since he's human," I couldn't hold back the tears and I started to cry. "Everyone stood in our way, and m-my dad." I sobbed, "He killed him." Harry pulled me into his chest.

"I'm sorry for making you open this again,"

"I just never loved someone as I loved him. He understood me, he made me feel like I'm perfect. After his death, everything went wrong. And I stopped believing in love. I even went down to Hades to get him back," I took a deep breath.

"But that was dangerous. You could've died."

"I could've joined him. I want to join him; I want to see him."

"Don't you ever say this ever again, okay? You deserve to live a full life. He wouldn't want you to do this!"

"Why do you care? You don't even know me for a week, Harry."

"I don't know, I just, we've been hanging out a lot, and now I care about you. You're my first friend after my sister's death. All my friends left, and I care about you." I found myself smiling.

"You remind me of Alec. You cared about strangers and friends. I remember one time, he was helping a girl out, so I made him jealous," I laughed. "I went to a guy and started talking to him and flirting with him," I laugh, Harry joined me laughing. We stopped laughing and looked at each other, Harry was leaning in but I move. We can't.

"I'm sorry, Harry. We just can't, besides I don't believe in love."

"You do; you're just scared of losing that person again." I hate to admit it, but he was right. I do believe in love. I just am scared of losing my lover once again.

A/N: Well, you have the story of Alec and Seraphina. Poor girl. Yeah, well Harry's here to mend your broken heart ;)


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