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Seraphina Valentine

I couldn't believe what I just heard. It's unfair for anyone to have his parents dead. All my life in lived in a some sort of Castle while he was on the streets. Do you call this fair? Because I don't.

We were made to live a full life with our families, and Hades, the king of the underworld can't take them just like that. I don't know why I'm concerned about this stranger, but something attracts me to him. Something tells me to go talk to him and console him. I just couldn't stand here knowing this and not doing anything.

Why is life hard on us? Why does it torture us? We don't deserve this. Our loved ones can't just leave us like that. The people we fell in love with die. Hades finds the best people and when they die, he takes their soul and they get stored in the underworld. Never going to see the light of the sun once again, nor their loved ones will see them again.

I wanted to console him I just didn't want him to think I feel pity for him for what had happened.

Harry went back and sat in his place but I followed him.

"Can i sit?"

"Yeah, of course" He says with a smile.

He's been through so much yet this smile never seemed to fade. He was smiling all the time while he was writing, I might have been looking at him.

"I'm really sorry about your parents."

"Don't be, it's wasn't your fault. It was, life." He sighs. "Life has its own way to twist things around. It choose the best day, or best memory and turns it into the worst thing you could ever imagine. It tortures you, like it's burning you alive. Yet still, you still managed to hide your sorrow and walk around with a smile painted on your face."

I was simply speechless by what he said, it's like, they just flew out of his mouth. Like he has been thinking about this for so long.

"I- don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I'm just stating facts here. I thought about this for so long, it's amazing." He said sarcastically.

"Life isn't only hard on you. I know people who had their heartbroken, and in the worst way and they still walk around with a smile, they still manage."

"And I admire those people." He says. "Well, enough with all this drama." He laughs and I join him. "So, what's up?"

"The sky."I point up.

"You're really lame. Want me to tell you so jokes? I rock at those."

"Elighten me."

"Okay, uh, why did the birdie go to the hospital?"

"I don't know, why?"

"To get a tweetment." I shake my head.

"You're lame." I laughed.

"Alright, Seraphina, I hope to see you around once again."

"Oh you most definitely will." I say and he smiles as he stands up and goes away to attend his work, I think.

A/N: You have literally no idea how much I am enjoying writing this. It's nothing like I have written before. I pretty much hope you're enjoying reading this.

So, Harry and Seraphina met. Part one, check.

But vote and comment and tell me your opinions.

I love you all :)


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