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Harry Style

I stood up when I saw the goddess and her family are coming over here. I look at her daughter, Seraphina. She looked beautiful as always. Her long brown hair and her brown eyes. The dress that shows her curves. They sat far a bit from me.

I got nervous knowing Seraphina was looking at me. I scrambled some thoughts on the page, trying to avoid any eye contact. Finally, once I looked at her meeting her eyes.

I saw sadness, in them. I saw, a girl who was locked up trying to free herself. She was afraid, afraid of something. When I look into those mesmerizing eyes, I get a feeling inside of me, it's maybe butterflies inside your stomach. Her mother looked at us both knowing she doesn't like what she sees. Humans and Gods/Goddess or even their children can't be with humans.

I glanced at her one more time before going back to my book, writing about those eyes and hair of hers.

Oh, her eyes, they are drawn perfectly with every detail. The way they blink, and the way they're so brown. The way they just rolled because her blonde friend made a sarcastic comment, I can see that. Though, they did show awfully a lot of pain, sorrow, hurt. A girl like her deserves all the happiness in the world, yet she still is hurting.

I close the book and put it aside and looked at her. She's just so beautiful, no one could not look at her. Well, of course she's the daughter of Aphrodite.

I smiled to myself when she looked at me once again. But I turned around nervously. Why is this happening? Is this because Aphrodite is with her, or? I notice another girl come, and sat next to her. I know this girl - Hebe! How could I forget?

"Harry?" I turned around.

"Hebe?" I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine and you? How's life?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Oh, Seraphina this is Harry Styles, and Harry Styles this is Seraphina."

"Harry Styles? Is your father the soldier?" Her mom asked, it feels like the wounds are opening once again.

"Uh, yeah,"

"I'm so sorry for what had happen." Aphrodite said.

"Me too."

"Well, how's your mom?"

"Uh, she died after dad died." I said forcing the tears to go.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Harry. What did you do? You were only fifteen."

"I managed." I said.

Losing a parent is life playing its own dirty game, it's torturing you, but losing both is unfair. Unfortunate.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter :)

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