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Harry Styles

Right now, I have a crying Seraphina in my arms. She has been crying for hours and I don't know why. We're sitting on my couch right now, her head on his chest, not making any movement, just crying.

"Seraphina, love, are you oka-- you're crying of course you're not." I mentally face palmed myself. "I mean, what's wrong? Is there anything I could do?" She shook her head slightly.

I signed, and pulled her face up to see her eyes. "Tell me what's wrong. I promise I'd help you with whatever."

"I c-can't." She said sadly. "I can't. I can't." She kept on repeating.

"I promise I will help you. Even if there's nothing to be done, I will make you feel better, I promise."

"It's not as easy as you think."

"Just tell me...Please?"

"My father is a killer." She started laughing. "My father is a damn killer!" She started laughing even more. Suddenly, all this laughter turned to tears. "He killed someone and I saw him." She sobbed into my chest.

I didn't know what to say, I was shocked. I kept on rubbing her back, speechless. I've never been in this kind of situation --nobody should-- I don't know how to act. Or what to do.

Her tears stopped, and she was wiping her tears away. "I didn't know who this unfortunate person was." She said. "Which reminds me, they were talking about you. A secret they're hiding from you and me."

"A secret?"

"Yeah, this anonymous person said: He deserves to know the truth we killed-- and then he was killed. But the voice sounded really familiar."

"I wonder what it is."

"And my dad said it could ruin our relationship. I don't know what's happening. This is all so messed up. My dad is a killer, and a big secret for one more second I feel like I'm an investigator solving a world's biggest damn problem." She sighed. "I'm a mess."

"A beautiful mess."

"It's not the time for your chees--" She looked up at me, and her eyes met mine.

"You're the most beautiful mess I had ever seen." I said, and placed my hand on her cheek. I leaned in and the moment our lips touched, I felt a spark and when I opened my eyes I saw light. It wasn't just a normal spark it's the spark that only Gods or their kids would feel when  kissing another God or a God kids. It's confusing but you understand the concept right?

"Did you feel that? Or did you see that?" I asked. She nodded. "But how?"

"I don't know, maybe because you're a human and I'm not completely human?" .

"But we've kissed before, and you did kiss Alec before?"

"Harry, maybe you're a son of a God or a Goddess. " She said.

"It couldn't be. It just couldn't be."

"But the light the spark. What's going on." She asked. "Maybe it's because this is our first serious kiss?" She asked. "I mean, we never kissed seriously, just a fast peck on the lips."

"It's possible."

"Things just get even more weirder."

Ouh, what do ya'll think?

Could Harry be a God? Maybe a son?

But how? Hehe. Or he might not, there must be something about the spark right?

All the love Lx

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