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Seraphina Valentine

I wandered off in the house, exploring every room in it. Until, I reached the last room in the hallway. I twisted the doorknob and opened the door. It must be his room, there was clothes scattered everywhere. Shirts, pants on the floor. If only there was a way to see him and his family together.

I swore, not never fall in love again. Especially with a human. I don't their destiny to be like Alec's. And most importantly I don't want it to be my fault.

Imagine, if Alec didn't die. We got married, and had kids right now. How I wished, that could ever happen.

I think Alec and I knew this was our destiny, we just didn't know our parents would turn against us, let alone kill one of us. I never saw my father since that day. And I don't plan to. He ruined (if you want to put in that matter) my life. He always said he'll be there for us, but he just proved otherwise.

I realized life isn't what you think it's ought to be. It isn't fair when you Burry someone you love dearly. You loved them. You have been through hell and back just for them, and just like that you lose them.

Death is the only thing that can keep you apart from someone. When he died, everything soft and beautiful and bright was buried with him. Now, I talk to the moon, hoping he is listening to me ranting about how much I miss him.

I loved him every day, now, I'm going to miss him every day. Most importantly, I will never fall in love, keeping that one promise is to never fall in love with someone other than him.

A/N: Double update bc I'm awesome.


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