Just an A/N

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Hey guys!! Long time no see 💖 Can't believe it's been just under 2 years since finishing this book! Thank you all who stuck with me from beginning to end!! We're almost to 8k reads, and that in itself is crazy to me! 

Anyways, I'm rereading this story almost 2 years later, and I'm cringing hard 😂 Definitely needs editing, but I'm not so sure when I'll get around to that since I'm working on 2 other published stories (and like 23123124 drafts LMAO) 

Butttt once I'm able to sit down and commit myself, I'll be giving this story the love it deserves!

Also putting in some shameless self advertising here LOL--

If you guys like BNHA, or are just curious how my writing style's progressed, check out my two other books sometime! Beastly is undergoing heavy editing, but Rotten Apple is a little more current with my writing style! Thanks ✨

Love you all so much 🥰🥰🥰

Happy Holidays!! 🎉

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