Chapter 8

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With mine and Natsu's ice cream date on my mind, school passed in a blur. I grabbed my belongings and started walking home, absentmindedly.

"Oi! Blondie! Forget about me?" I heard a devilish voice yell out behind me. I turned around and made eye contact with the mischievous blonde who was leaning against his black motorcycle. He tucked his hands into his pockets and smirked, making his way over to me. "Earth to Lucy, I'm taking you home today and tomorrow and... until the end of time." I stuck my tongue out at him

"Sorry, I forgot. I have a lot on my mind right now." I bluntly told him, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, come on then, I'll take you home. I'm here if you need to talk about anything." He flashed a genuine smile at me, before taking my hand in his, interlacing our fingers. I blushed at the contact as I stumbled behind him. He tossed me my helmet and revved his engine, making everyone look. I swung a leg over and situated myself close behind, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. We took off out of the parking lot, squalling tires, making my heart skip a beat. I let out a squeak before grabbing onto him tighter, cursing at him under the loud motor.

"You awake now, blondie?" He turned around to look at me with a smirk as we came to a stop at a red light. I stuck my lip out and pouted, murmuring things along the lines of 'asshole' and 'get me off this deathtrap'. He drove at a normal pace for the rest of our trip to my apartment, thankfully. I took my helmet off as we were pulled in front of my building, and thanked him for the ride. "You know since it's the weekend and all, how about we go see a movie tomorrow night? It doesn't have to be scary this time." He winked at me taking off his helmet. I rolled my eyes and put a hand on my hip.

"We'll see, stingy-bee." I turned on my heel waving as I walked, not before seeing the shocked expression and prominent blush flooding his face. Before he could say anything, I had walked through the lobby doors of my apartment, and called the elevator. I made my way up and out to the balcony doors, still seeing the blonde standing there with a smile on his face. I smiled down at him, unnoticed before he drove away. Making my way back into my bedroom, I realized I had no idea what to wear to go get ice cream. Was it a date? Was it just casual as friends? I don't want to look too casual, and I don't want to get too dressed up. Quit overthinking! You're just getting ice cream with Natsu. My heart fluttered at the image of his face that rushed into my mind at the thought of his name. I'll think it all over in a nice hot bath. I thought to myself. 

Smiling at the good idea I came up with, I ran the bath and jumped in, letting all my thoughts melt away. My mind kept drifting to the goofy toothy grin, and childish antics of the pink haired man I've come to like over the past few days. He was kind and considerate in his own ways, and always made me smile. I wonder what kind of ice cream is his favorite kind. Strawberry maybe? Or chocolate chip? I argued with myself on why I was having weird thoughts about Natsu's favorite ice cream flavors, when I'd find out soon anyways. 

Wrapping a towel around me, I made my way into my room. I flung clothes out of the closet trying on three or more different outfit combinations. I sat in defeat for a few minutes until I grabbed a tight black v-neck shirt and paired it with my grey and black patterned mini skirt. I pulled my hair up into a side ponytail, fastening with a small black bandanna bow, leaving two strands to frame my face. I put on a light coat of eye shadow and mascara, before applying a coat of lip tint and plumper to my lips. After deciding I was done, I slipped on a light red cardigan and a pair of black combat boots, grabbed my purse and keys, and plopped down on the couch. I pulled out my phone when I heard a text message chime.

(A/N): Lucy's date night outfit is the picture in the media~

'LU! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU AND NATSU WERE GOING ON A DATE?!?!?!' Levy texted, frantic, or fangirling, I couldn't tell which one it was. I sighed before letting a small laugh escape my lips.

'It's not a dateeee, were just going to get some ice cream together!' I typed back quickly hitting the send button.

'It's totally a date! You can't deny it! Natsu take girls out for ice cream since like... never! ' My phone chimed almost immediately. I rolled my eyes and blushed. Before I could type back a witty response, there was a knock on my door. My heart jumped to my throat as I stumbled off the couch, preparing myself to greet my visitor.

I walked to the door, opening it to reveal Natsu's cheesy grin. He laid his emerald eyes on me and a blush fell across his tan face, lips parted ever so slightly.

"Hey Natsu!" I grinned at him, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He stayed silent for a minute, watching my every move, before blinking a few times. During this comfortable silence, I eyed him taking note of the white scarf that he wears everywhere

"L-Lucy! You look great!" he said, regaining his composure. He fidgeted with his keys before looking back up at me. "You ready to go? I know the best ice cream place in town! But it's a surprise." He smirked before grabbing my hand, pulling me out of my doorway. I locked my apartment up, and followed him down to the parking lot. He pulled out his keys and unlocked his car. I stood and gaped at this flashy red and black mustang for a few seconds before sliding into the cool black leather of the passenger seat. 

Chapter 8 posted! Chapters 9 & 10 are written! You'll love the next two chapters, I had so much fun writing them!~ Don't forget to comment and let me know how I'm doing! Vote and add to your library so you don't miss these next juicy updates! ;P Haha anyways, as always...

Fairy Tail and it's characters belong to Hiro Mashima!~

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