Chapter 6

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(A/N) Thank you guys for the 50 views!~ Make sure to leave a comment and tell me how I'm doing! 

After a long night of tossing and turning, and calling Sting once, because I heard a noise in the middle of the night, I was dressed and walking down through the lobby of my apartment. Through the big glass doors, I saw a mop of blonde in combat boots, black jeans, and a tight white t-shirt, leaning against his motorcycle. We made eye contact, and he flashed me a signature grin, making me blush, remembering how close we got last night. He walked up and opened the door, and handed me a red helmet.

"Is this new?" I asked him, with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I got it for you since you want us both to not die." He smirked at my blush, before starting his bike and motioning me to get on. Oh how I wish I would've put shorts on under my black skirt. I grabbed him tight around his waist, and he looked back at me and then we sped off toward school. I wasn't exactly used to his death trap yet, but I definitely didn't feel as scared as I did yesterday. The ten minute ride was over as I made out the front gates to our school. He slowed down as we pulled in and parked. He took his helmet off and ruffled up his hair, and turned to me, telling me we were here. I took my helmet off releasing my long blonde hair and smiled up at him. I felt like everyone's eyes were on us at that very moment, and looking around, my suspicions were confirmed. My face heated up as I turned back to sting, realizing he was off his motorcycle and standing, arm outstretched to me.

"You wanna be late, blondie?" He stuck his tongue out at me. I took his hand and carefully got off the bike, trying to not flash my ass to half the school. We walked through the doors and my clumsy self ran right into Rogue. Again. I staggered back, trying to keep my balance, but felt hands grip my wrists. Sting and Rogue both had a hand on each wrist and a concerned look on their faces. I regained my composure and apologized to them both about 10 times.

"Seems we always meet this way." Rogue chuckled at me as I smiled back sheepishly. "Since we bumped into each other, why don't we walk to homeroom together?" He looked at Sting who was hovering next to me, too close for the raven hair's comfort. I nodded at him and turned to Sting.

"I'll see you in gym, Sting!" I smiled, waving. He had a weird look on his face and seemed to be staring at Rogue an awful much this morning.

"Yeah, sure, that's fine. Don't forget I'm taking you home today, blondie." He smirked at me, winked, and walked off to his first class. Before I could protest, he disappeared into the crowd of students.

"I don't want to get on that deathtrap again..." I mumbled under my breath. Sighing in defeat, I turned to Rogue and we made our way to math.

"You know you don't have to let him take you home. I know that he drives like a madman." Rogue smiled at me, rolling his eyes at the thought of his cousin's driving. "I can always drive you if you didn't want to walk."

"I couldn't ask that of you Rogue! Plus I kinda lost a bet, and if I lost I was supposed to let him pick me up, and drop me off... on his motorcycle." I mumbled the last part out of embarrassment, looking away. I turned back around to see him looking at me with eyebrows raised. We sat down in our seats after grabbing our books from the shelf, and I felt every girl's eyes on me. As I looked around, I saw Levy making her way over to where we were seated.

"Lu!! When did you start riding motorcycles? With Sting of all people!" She exclaimed wide eyed. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Since I let him drive me home yesterday to avoid the rain. And then I lost a bet to him." I said nonchalantly, questioning why she was freaking out about it. "Why is everyone staring at me?" Gesturing to every girl in the room, who's eyes were still on me.

"You don't know this, but Sting's one of the most popular guys in the school! And he never gives any girls the time of day, nevertheless offer them a ride home! All the girls are jealous because they think you guys are dating!"

"EHH?!" I started freaking out, blushing madly. "I-It's not like that! At all!! I thought he was just being nice! He took me home and it started raining so I let him stay at my place until it stopped! That's all! We are not dating! I barely know him!" I exclaimed, upgrading from stares to glares from the girls around me. Levy stuck her small hand over my mouth in fear.

"LU! SHH!" She shushed me before she whispered, "Don't say anything else, you'll just rile them up. They get jealous easily since Sting rejected them all."

"I didn't know you and Sting were that close." Rogue muttered, irritated, but smiling.

"Were not! Really! I don't like getting on that death trap, and he's too cocky for his own good!" I huffed, crossing my arms. Rogue let out a hearty laugh.

"Yeah, you got that right." He said, holding back his laughter. I blushed when he looked at me with that genuine smile.

"Alright class! Everyone to their seats, and be quiet! Let's start with some warm-up questions about what you learned yesterday." Ur bellowed before handing out worksheets. I looked up and met Rogue's eyes and smiled. A blush made its way across his face as he smiled back. We went to work, and math class went surprisingly quick, Rogue helping me figure out things I didn't quite understand. By the time the bell rang, Rogue snatched my textbook and returned it to the shelf before I could even stand up.

"Hey you didn't have to do that for me." I raised my eyebrow at him, and he just smiled.

"I know, but I wanted to~" He stuck his tongue out at me, making me blush. We spent a few minutes chatting outside the door, before we parted ways and went to our second classes of the day.

Chapter 6 posted! Chapter 7 is written and chapter 8 is on the way! Hope you guys liked this chapter~  Don't forget to comment, subscribe, and vote!

I'll see you in the next chapter, and always..

Fairy Tail and all it's characters belong to Hiro Mashima!

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