Chapter 16

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I turned to see Levy giving me an ear to ear grin.

"Lu! I didn't expect that!!! Better yet! Someone was watching! You'll never guess who~" She chimed, her smile never leaving her face. My heart raced in anticipation, some part of me already knowing who's eyes were burning into the back of my head. She nodded behind me, and I turned slightly to see an irritated looking Natsu sitting at the bar, drink in his hand. My stomach tightened in a flurry of emotions, not knowing which one was the most prominent.

I sighed, running a hand through my tousled hair and sat down at the opposite end of the bar with Levy in tow, and ordered a margarita. Some senior, stuck with "bar" duty made my drink and sat it down next to me, giving me a flirty smile. I shrugged it off and started twirling the toothpick in my drink. As I turned to talk to Levy, I saw her being dragged off somewhere by Gajeel. I chuckled to myself, glad that dress got his attention.

I turned my attention back to my drink when I realized someone had sat down next to me. My heart clenched when my eyes locked with emerald ones, belonging to none other than the boy I've been avoiding. 'Get up and walk away!' My mind screamed at me. My body, not listening, turned to face him instead of running away.

"Luce, we need to talk..." Natsu said, desperately studying my face for a reaction. I sighed, not wanting to relive the embarrassment.

"I'll listen." I said sharply, trying to hide the underlying emotions my heart was feeling. He smiled weakly.

"Come outside with me?" he glanced over to the back door. I reluctantly got up and followed him out to the back patio, glancing back to see if I could see Sting, but he had disappeared into the mass of people. He closed the glass door behind me.

"I'm sorry, Luce. I never meant to hurt you. But you misunderstood what happened last Saturday. Even Gray can tell you, he was there! We went out for a guy's night and Lisanna ended up showing up. I don't even know how she keeps tabs on where I am all the time. She wouldn't leave me alone and asked for hours to dance with me. It got to the point where she told me that if I didn't dance one dance with her, she'd start spreading rumors about you all around the school." He took a deep breath in, and I let one out I didn't know I was holding. I was silent, as I let him finish talking. He grabbed both of my hands and my heart skipped.

"I really care about you, Luce, and the last thing I wanted was to hurt you. It's been killing me not being able to talk to you, and to laugh with you. And I plan on keeping my promise if you let me. I'll never leave your side." He finished intertwining his fingers with mine. He brought his free hand up to my face and wiped away a tear I was unaware had fallen.

"I really care about you too, Natsu, that's why I was so hurt. I didn't realize she had put you in that kind of situation, and I'm sorry for not listening. I guess I overreacted a little bit, and I'm sorry." I looked down at our hands, "Let's go back to normal, kay? I miss not being able to laugh at your dumb jokes, too." I said smiling. He pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks for listening, Luce." He said smiling into my hair. We stayed like that for a while before pulling away. We stared each other in the eyes as I noticed him lean close. My heart started racing, my mind was going wild. 'What about Sting? I just kissed him. I really like him, but I really like Natsu too. AAA' I was fighting an inner war with myself, but got snapped back to reality as I felt Natsu's warm lips on mine. My stomach flipped and my eyes fluttered shut. I wrapped my arm around his neck and he placed his hand on my hip. We stayed like this before I pulled away, blushing.

"N-Natsu... you..."I stuttered.

"I really do like you for you, Luce. Not just because you're pretty and help me keep Lisanna off my back. Promise." He stuck his pinky out and wrapped it with mine. I smiled at him, a warm fuzzy feeling returning in my belly. We went back inside, and parted ways to find the people we came here with. I was looking for Levy, when I stumbled across Mira and Laxus making out on the stairs. I grinned to myself as I snuck a picture of the two, before continuing on my quest to find my short blue haired best friend. I ran into Juvia, who was watching Gray from a distance, who stood with Natsu.

"Hey! Why don't you get out there and dance with him?" I asked her from behind. She almost jumped out of her skin, but relaxed when she saw it was just me.

"J-Juvia is too nervous to go talk to Gray-sama. He is talking with Natsu, and Juvia doesn't want to interrupt." She said, shuffling her feet.

"I think I can help!" I grinned at her, dragging her with me by the hand. "Natsu! Gray! You guys wanna dance?" I yelled over the music. Natsu grinned as he grabbed my hands, leaving Juvia and Gray.

"Well don't just stand there, baka, dance!" I yelled at the stiff black haired boy. He looked frightened before blushing and grabbed Juvia's hands, dancing with her. "Thanks for the memories" by FOB was playing. Me and Natsu didn't dance half as close as me and Sting did, but we both still had fun. I energetically swayed my hips with my arms around Natsu's neck and his hands around my waist. The song ended and I took a step back to catch my breath, and looked over to see Gray and Juvia dancing happily, and rather closely might I add.

I turned my attention back to my dance partner standing in front of me and smiled. "Hey I'm going to go find Sting, but make sure those two keep dancing!" I whisper-yelled in Natsu's ear. He frowned and pouted, but let me go eventually. His eyes followed me as I disappeared into the crowd, burning holes in the back of my head.

Chapter 16 uploaded! Happy Halloween!! ~ Meant to upload earlier in the day but its my sons first halloween so today was crazy to say the least. Haven't written much since I uploaded last, but still have up to chapter 21~ Don't forget to comment and let me know how you like the story! And Subscribe, vote and add to your library so you don't miss any updates! I'll see you in the next chapter~ 

And as always, Fairy Tail and all it's characters belong to Hiro Mashima!~

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