Chapter 17

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Travelling to the other side of the dance floor singing along to the song, I spotted a mop of blonde leaning up against the wall with a drink in his hand. I smirked as I slowly made my way to him, catching him off guard. Snaking one arm around his neck, he met my eyes and grinned, while I used my other arm to grab the drink out of his hand, He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.

"Sneaky now, aren't you, blondie?" He wrapped his arms around my waist, letting his hands find their way to the small of my back. I giggled and drank almost half of his drink. "If you wanted one, I could've just bought you one. Buuut you seem to be feeling pretty good right now." He smiled, eyebrows raised. I couldn't deny, I was walking the tightrope of buzzed, and drunk. I finished his drink and pulled him out to the backyard, not wanting this night to end. "Irresistible" by FOB & Demi Lovato came on as we opened the patio doors. I smiled at him and pulled the door shut, music muffled but still audible.

"You're second hand smoke, second hand smoke

I breathe you in, but honey I don't know what you're doing to me

Mon chéri but the truth catches up with us eventually

Try to say live, live and let live

But I'm no good, good at lip service

Except when they're yours, mi amor

I'm coming for you and I'm making war"

I took my shoes off and sat down on one of the steps as we talked, just like we always do. He pulled out his phone, muttering something about needed a new contact picture of us, which I immediately obliged to. Just like last time, we took a normal one, one of silly faces, where he kissed me on the cheek, and one where we were kissing. We smiled at each other and started talking again. His eyes traced mine as I talked about life, before he caught me off guard and roughly kissed me. He grabbed my waist and sat me in his lap. I snaked my arms around his neck feeling that fire in my veins again, giving me goosebumps. In the midst of our passionate exchange of kisses, he let his hands wander a little south, both hands on either side of my ass. I tightened my legs around his shuddering, and he stood up, with me still in his arms. He broke the kiss, only to smirk at me.

"God, Lucy, you're so beautiful." He sighed. I swear my heart was going to explode from the look he gave me. He started laughing devilishly and before I knew it, I was out of his arms, and underwater in a cold pool. I surfaced and glared at him. "Especially when you're wet" He winked at me.

"That's not fair! Help me out!" I pouted holding my hands out. Once he stopped laughing, he offered his hands which I grabbed gratefully. I grinned up at him with an evil aura as I had a death grip on his wrists, yanking him in with me. I cackled seeing his face when he resurfaced. "Payback." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ohhoh you're going to get it blondie!" He gave me a cocky smirk as he splashed me.

"That all you got, Stingray?" I grinned at my new nickname for him. It proved effective as he got irritated and splashed me again. I wiped the water out of my eyes and noticed that he was gone. I looked left and tried to look right before I was lifted into the air by a pair of strong arms.

"I'll give you your punishment later, blondie." He smirked at me with a evil look in his eyes, making me blush. He helped me out of the pool and we walked back over to the patio where my shoes were. A gust of cold early autumn air seemed to blow through me, and I couldn't hold back my shivering. I strapped my shoes on and stood up. Sting took one look at me and draped his leather jacket over my shoulders with a smile.

"Lets go back inside before you get sick." And as if on cue, I sneezed. I covered my face to try to hide my blush. He ushered me inside and grabbed our phones.

"Oi! Lucy I was looking for you! Why are you both wet?" Cana asked.

"Uhh... pool?" I mumbled, hiding a blush. She raised her eyebrows with a smirk on her face.

"Okay... We're coming over later for an after party!!! And to grab all of our stuff." She mumbled the last part. "But mainly for an after party!" She grinned.

"I can bring you home first, so you can shower, blondie." Sting said, as if reading my mind. I smiled up at him.

"That'd be great! Thank you!!!" I said grabbing his hand. Cana snickered, threw something at me and walked away.

"See you there!" She yelled, disappearing into the crowd. I slowly picked up what was thrown at my feet, and held them up with a quizzical look. Realization hit me and I blushed furiously, throwing them back down on the ground with an 'eep!'. Sting raised an eyebrow at me, until he looked down on the ground at what was previously in my hand. A roll of little golden foils lay at our feet and Sting turned to me with a blush.

"That's not what I meant when I said I'd take you home! I hope you know that!" He said frantically. All I could do was nod and say 'I know'.

"I'm just going to leave that there for someone who does need them." I said, stepping over them. He let out a laugh and followed me to the front door. He made me wait at the edge of the lawn while he ran and got his motorcycle. Handing me a helmet, I got on behind him. I sat closer, and grabbed tighter than I have before. Even though the air was chilly, I couldn't help but feel warm.


Chapter 17 uploaded~ Sorry it's so late in the day, we had my son's first birthday party earlier this morning and it went well but was very hectic lol. I haven't had the chance to write much more, but that's why I have backup chapters written! Hope you guys liked this chapter, cause I had fun writing it! The next few chapters were equally as fun to write, and I'm excited to upload them soon :) Don't forget to comment to tell me how I'm doing, subscribe, vote, and add to your library so you don't miss any updates~ See you in the next chapter!

And as always, Fairy Tail and all it's characters belongs to Hiro Mashima~

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