Chapter 5

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Before I could finish or even think about what I agreed to, Sting was walking his motorcycle underneath a carport so it didn't get wet. He ran over to me and we walked through the doors and up the elevator until we got off on the 3rd floor. We made our way into the living room as I turned the lights on. I put my bag on one of the chairs in the kitchen, and turned around to see Sting taking his wet shirt off.

"Shirt stays on! My house my rules!" I stuttered out, blushing like a madman. He gave me that signature pout... again... shirtless. And I suddenly realized all willpower to argue with this insanely gorgeous man was gone. Wait. Why am I thinking like this? I was too busy having an internal war with myself to realize Sting was right next to me.

"My shirt's wet, I don't wanna get your couch wet... Hey Lucy? I think you might have a fever. You're burning up, your face is red, and you look like you're going to pass out!" He tried putting his hand up to my forehead which I swatted away.

"I-I'm fine! I'm gonna go make some tea! You can sit on the couch. There are blankets in the trunk by the window." I squeaked out before making my escape in the kitchen. I splashed water on my face to compose myself and started boiling the water. I walked out about 5 minutes later with a tea pot and two cups, which I sat on top of the coffee table. "You can pick out what you want to watch, but I'm going to go change out of these wet clothes, before I really do get sick." Handing him the TV remote, I walked into my room, shutting the door behind me.

I sat down at my desk and sighed, putting my hair up into a messy bun. It's been a long day I thought to myself as I got dressed. And it's about to get longer.

I walked out in my pink pajama shorts and a loose fitting white v-neck shirt to find a shirtless Sting sitting on my couch. It took me a second before I realized he was watching Friday the 13th. I shuddered and tried to snatch the remote out of his hands, to no avail.

"Change it. I'm not good with horror movies." I pouted at the blonde man, who in turn smirked at me.

"It's not even that scary! You said I could put on whatever I want, there's nothing else I want to watch right now!" He pouted right back at me. I groaned and was about to get up to go back to my room before I felt his hand around my wrist. "I'll make you a deal. If you can sit through this whole movie without jumping, I'll never make you ride on my motorcycle again." I smiled, already deciding I was going to win. "But... if you get scared and freak out, I get to pick you up and drop you off every day. On my motorcycle." He gave me a devilish grin, eyeing me waiting for my decision. My competitiveness made it impossible not to agree to the challenge.

"You got yourself a deal. Prepare to kick rocks, Eucliffe." I smirked, crossing my arms. "I'm going to make popcorn, rewind it to the beginning, kay?" I waltzed off into the kitchen and returned a minute later.

"Turn off the lights, blondie!" He shouted as I complained we didn't need to turn them all off. But he argued his point, calling me chicken until I got fed up. So I ended up turning them off, and plopping on the couch, at the opposite end of him.

"Give me the blanket." I said as he pressed play and turned to look at me.

"It's not big enough to share if you're all the way down there." He whispered, making his way closer to me. "Plus I want some of your popcorn." I blushed as I handed him my bag of popcorn and took the blanket from him. Time passed by and before I knew it, I had probably flung myself at him and hid under the blanket 20 times. The popcorn had found its way across the room thanks to my ninja reflexes when I'm scared, and I somehow ended up halfway in Sting's lap, face buried in his chest, his arms around me. By the time the credits rolled, he was laughing at me because I was so scared I didn't even want to pee by myself. We stayed like this until the credits finished, blushing at each other, before he got off the couch and turned the lights back on, leaving me in a heap of blankets.

"I think it stopped raining, blondie." He said, throwing his now dry shirt back on, making me pout. He came closer and whispered huskily, "You gonna be okay by yourself tonight? Or was it that you wanted me to stay?" He winked after seeing my bright red face. "Nah I'm joking. I'll leave my number, in case you get too scared." He put a piece of paper into my hand, letting his hand linger in mine for a few seconds past a 'normal exchange'. Slipping his shoes on and grabbing his keys, he walked to my door and turned around. "I'll see you in the morning, Lucy~ I'll pick you up at 7:45." He winked, and slipped through my door, leaving me to my thoughts. I did not want to get back on that death trap.

Chapter 5 posted! Chapters 6 & 7 are written! Comment and let me know if you like how the story is going so far! I had fun writing this one, and even more fun writing chapter 7~ Just you wait! Don't forget to subscribe, vote, add to your library, comment, yada yada yada ;P

As always! Fairy Tail and it's characters belong to Hiro Mashima! And they are in now way mine~

See you in the next chapter~

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