Chapter 26

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"Truth or dare?" I looked at her.

"Truth." She blurted out.

"Do you know where Stings always goes after school?" I raised my eyebrows at her, and she immediately got nervous. She always avoids this question. "He stopped giving me rides home after we stopped hanging out as much, and is always gone before I can even get out of the front doors."

"To be honest, Lu, I don't know what's going on for sure, but I have a strong feeling..." She trailed off not looking me in the eyes. I frowned and motioned for her to go on. "I saw him one day on my way home from school. He was sitting in a café with Yukino, and they were just chatting, so I can't say for certain if something fishy is going on or not. But I've seen his motorcycle sitting in front of that shop almost every day." I tried not to assume the worst, but the feeling in my stomach and my heart said I couldn't win. My brain was assuming the worst.

"S-So do you want to go by that café tomorrow with me? I just... need to know for sure." I poured myself another glass of wine. I pulled my phone out and with shaking hands sent Sting a text.

"Hey Sting! I miss you! Do you want to hang out tomorrow? Love you! <3" I typed out quickly. To be honest I'm not sure if I could really face him right now, but I had to try. I got a buzz, but it wasn't from Sting, it was from Natsu.

"Yeah, I really think so too. We're just not right for each other, and she's becoming too possessive. Thanks for the text Luce, I think you finally flipped that denial switch off in my brain." He texted back, responding to my earlier dare from Levy. That was unexpected, and Natsu sounds... mature for once? I showed Levy with wide eyes full of disbelief.

"I had no clue that was going to be his response!" I shrugged my shoulders at her, signaling that I didn't either.

"Well, I'm here for you, okay Natsu? If you need to talk or just get out of the house, I'm here." I typed to him, turning my screen off. Me and Levy spent the rest of our night planning on how we were going to spy on Sting at the café tomorrow, and eventually took a drunk bath together and went to sleep. Sting never did text me back.

We woke up and got dressed, making breakfast somewhere along the way. We got on long jackets with hoods to hide our outfits and put our boots on. I checked my phone and we headed out the door. Levy drove us to the café, parking a block or two away.

"I don't see his motorcycle." I whispered as we walked with sunglasses on.

"He'll show up eventually. Let's go inside and order something to eat." I nodded and we continued on silently until we made our way to a back booth. We ordered 2 coffees and 2 scones and sat patiently. We got our order and began eating, eyeballing the entrance. I watched a girl with short white hair walk through the doors and make her way to a booth at the opposite end of the small café. I think I recognized her. Yukino? My heart started beating a little bit faster and something welled up in the back of my throat as I watched a blonde boy on a black motorcycle park by the doors.

I didn't even have to see his face to recognize him. My heart yearned for him to run up to me and hug me, but he didn't. He didn't know I was here, and I had to make myself stop staring at him if I didn't want our cover to be blown. He quickly scanned the café before smiling at Yukino. He walked over to her and gave her a big hug. They sat and talked for quite a bit, even holding hands at one point. But I felt my heart sink the moment he pushed his lips onto hers. I couldn't take it anymore; it felt like my whole world shattered, everything he ever told me was a lie. He didn't love me, he loved her, and I wasn't good enough to be loved.

Levy grabbed my hand and comforted me, as I cried silently. My feelings of sadness were replaced by an anger I couldn't describe. I took my sunglasses off, let my hair down, and took my overcoat off as I stood up. I felt light headed as I watch them make out, forcing myself to make my way over to him. He didn't notice me until I was but 8 inches from their table. He snapped up and his face paled. Our eyes met and I lost it.

"You!" I screamed, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "You're cheating on me?! After everything I've done for you?! Sacrificed for you?! Do you even realize how much bullshit you've put me through?!" I was shaking with anger, sadness, and confusion. "Was I not good enough for you? Were you just using me?" My sadness poked through just enough to where Sting thought he could reason with me.

"Lucy I can explain-" He started bringing his hands up. My rage was back tenfold when he tells me he can explain this. So I end up slapping him across the face.

"Don't even try to explain Sting! You've been avoiding me for weeks, for her! I love you god damn it! Was that not good enough? Did you not love me? Was I just a toy you could throw away after you got bored?!" I cut him off when he opened his mouth to speak. "I don't care anymore, because WE. ARE. THROUGH." I said through gritted teeth at him. I let go of his shirt collar and backed away slowly with tears in my eyes. "I hope she was worth it." I turned on my heel and ran, hearing Levy yell my name. 

I don't care, I want to be alone. I shot her a text telling her I was okay I just needed to be alone right now. I made my way down the street a few blocks to the closest park, and since it was a chilly day it was practically empty. I sat down on one of the swings and cried my eyes out. I cried and cried until I'm sure the heavens heard me, because it started raining. I sat there with my head resting on the chain, just staring into the gray sky. I couldn't tell if I even had tears to cry anymore. I don't know how long it's been since I got here but the sky was starting to get darker and darker.

Headlights pulling into the parking lot were caught in my peripheral, but I couldn't bring myself to look at them. I could care less if I was kidnapped or killed right now, so I just kept staring at the darkening sky. I felt a heavy fabric draped over my shoulders and could faintly hear my name being called out. I turned my head slightly, to where the noise was coming from and met a pair of green eyes filled with worry. My vision became blurry as it became harder to keep myself balanced.

"...Natsu..?" I breathed out, as I lost control and fell forward, passing out. 

Chapter 26 is up! Told you there was a twist~ I might update every 3 or 4 days instead of every two, because life's become pretty busy pretty quickly! I need to write more too, as I haven't really had the time the past few days lol. Comment and let me know how I'm doing! And don't forget to add to your library, vote, and follow to make sure you don't miss any updates! See you in the next chapter!

As always, Fairy Tail and all of it's characters belong to Hiro Mashima!~ 

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