Chapter 10

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"Natsuuu! I didn't expect to see you here!" The white haired girl from earlier ran up to him, and grabbed onto his arm trying to hug him. His eyes went wide, and he turned his body so she could only grab his arm. He flashed his eyes to me apologetically, before making an awkward smile, pushing her off.

"Lisanna.. Hey. I didn't expect to see you here either." He said nonchalantly. She tried grabbing onto his arm again, but he shrugged her off again, in the nicest way possible.

"Natsu come sit with me! I'll share my ice cream with you!" She frowned, eyes pleading.

"I would but I'm on a date and we're actually getting ready to head out to the movies." Natsu said slinking an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I blushed before looking up at him and back to Lisanna. I smiled sheepishly and she furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms, obviously not pleased with my presence.

"Whatever, maybe another day." She said annoyed as she walked back to the table of scowling girls. Natsu kept his arm around my waist as we made our way to leave, he opened the door and we stood in front of the big glass windows for a minute. He twirled me around to face him and glanced through the window before grabbing the back of my head and smashing his lips into mine. I blushed and looked up at him. My heart was beating out of its chest and I swear I thought he could hear it.

"N-N-Natsu?" I couldn't make my brain think hard enough to say anything except his name.

"I've had fun tonight, Luce. So take that as a thank you." He said looking down at me, genuinely smiling. I smiled back at him and grabbed his hand. "Plus I wanted to piss Lisanna off, she won't stop trying to get me to go on dates with her no matter what I say." He mumbled embarrassed. I raised an eyebrow in annoyance and stared at him.

"She's gonna hate me now, jerk." I said crossing my arms, making my way to his car. He jogged ahead of me to open my door, grinning.

"She'd hate you anyways just for talking to me. That's how she is." He explained, shrugging his shoulders. "Now let's get going or well have crappy seats for our movie!" He exclaimed shutting my door and sliding into the driver's seat.

We made our way to the movie theatre which wasn't too far away, thankfully. He bought our tickets after a lot of me protesting, and we made our way in and grabbed a bag of popcorn. Walking into the theatre, we found a seat at the very top in the middle and sat down, waiting for the movie to start. We decided to see an action movie, Deadpool 2. We laughed at the endless funny parts of the movies, and were silent during the tense times. Throughout the whole movie we kept stealing glances at each other, hoping no one would notice.

The credits started playing, and I didn't realize how close I had been to Natsu until now, even holding his hand. I blushed and panicked, standing up realizing my grip from his. I frowned at the coldness that replaced the warmth from his hand seconds ago. Ignoring it, I grabbed my bag and light cardigan and offered a hand out to the pinkette sitting down still. He grabbed my hand, stood up and we walked out of the theatre. It was almost midnight by now and I fell into a light sleep as soon as Natsu started driving, our fingers still interlaced.

I stirred a little bit as I felt the cold outside air on me, but snuggled up to the blanket that wrapped around me. The blanket started carrying me up and into my apartment- wait. I opened my eyes, embarrassed as I realized he was carrying me bridal style into my apartment, and I had my arms wrapped around his neck, and I was nuzzling him in my sleep. I rubbed my eyes and met his gaze as he sat me down on my feet.

"You didn't have to carry me up here." I said, voice raspy from just waking up.

"I know, but I wanted to. You looked so tired, I couldn't make myself wake you up." He smiled at me, and in turn I started blushing. Oh god what if I was snoring? Or drooling? Or having a dream and started talking? My attention snapped back to reality when I felt his warm hand on my cheek. He caressed my cheek with his thumb, brushing away a tiny tear I didn't even know was there. "You were crying in your sleep, Luce." My eyes shot wide open. "I'm here for you okay? Always. I'll never leave your side." He grinned, and pulled me into a hug. I let myself melt into his embrace and sighed.

"Thanks Natsu. For everything tonight. I'll call you if I need anything." I smiled sweetly up at him. He kissed my forehead and told me goodnight. I walked into my apartment, not even bothering to change out of my clothes and fell asleep on my bed, still wrapped in Natsu's sweet scent.

I know this chapter is a bit shorter than I'd like, but it was the only place to cut it off. I might as well upload the next chapter tonight too, since its about the same length~ Chapter 12 is a long one, so look forward to that! A whopping 1,300 words :P Don't forget to comment and let me know how you like the story so far! Vote and add to your library so you don't miss these next updates! See you in the next chapter~

As always, fairy Tail and all its characters belong to Hiro Mashima!~

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