Chapter 13

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I woke up in my bed surrounded by my pink comforter, in the same shirt I put on last night. Last night's events replayed in my head as a blush crept up my cheeks. Is Sting still here? Oh God Rogue is supposed to be coming over soon! Panic washed over me as I flung my covers off and stood up. In the mirror I saw that my shirt had been untied, and my jean shorts were gone, leaving me in my white lacy panties. My heart started racing because there was only one person who could've undressed me and put me in bed. And he was the only one here last night. And I fell asleep on his lap. I started feeling light headed so decided to sit back down on my bed to recollect myself when I noticed a piece of paper on my night stand with my name on it.

" Blondie, call me if you need anything, hope you slept well.

xo Sting

P.S. White looks good on you~ ;) "

I felt faint again, when my suspicions were confirmed. I pulled out my phone and shot Sting a quick text.

"I slept well, thank you for everything last night.... pervert! >//<" My fingers dashed across my keyboard and I hit send before messaging Rogue my address. I got a message back from him saying he's getting dressed and will be here in 20. Enough time to take a quick shower thank goodness. I dried off and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans ripped at the knees and a tight white sweater, laced up the middle of my chest. My hair was still a little damp, so I kept it down.

Lucy's Outfit~

 As soon as I could tidy up the living room and pull my laptop out, there was a quiet knock on my door

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As soon as I could tidy up the living room and pull my laptop out, there was a quiet knock on my door. I smiled to myself and opened it revealing Rogue, black hair pulled back, in black jeans, black band shirt halfway covered by a red and black flannel, with red converse. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him into my living room, bright smile etched onto my face.

"Hey, Lucy." He smiled at me blushing. I greeted him back before telling him to make himself comfortable. I came out of the kitchen with a pot of tea and two cups and placed the tray on the coffee table. "Quite the collection you have." Rogue said quietly, observing all my books placed on the large shelf. I blushed and rubbed the nape of my neck sheepishly.

"Hahaha yeah, that's about all I do with my free-time. I'm kinda boring." I chuckled, a half smile on his face. He turned and looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Reading is a good way to spend free-time; it's awesome actually. My book collection is nowhere as near as big as yours." He said smiling at me. "And I wouldn't say you're boring."

"Well, you can borrow any of these books whenever you like! I've read them all anyways." I smiled back at him blushing.

"Thanks, Lucy! I appreciate it." He smiled and paused. "You ready to start our project?" He asked, shuffling his feet. I smiled at him and pulled my laptop out.

"I got us a head start last night." He read over what I had typed out.

"You must have been busy!" He chuckled, making me blush. You have no idea.

Time with Rogue passed pretty quickly and peacefully, which might I add, was nice and very much needed. We finished our project in a matter of 2 or 3 hours and decided to go out to dinner together in celebration. I was wearing the same outfit, just with a black cardigan and pair of heeled black booties.

We entered the restaurant, Blue Pegasus, and were seated by a gentleman with light brown hair.

"My name's Hibiki, and I'll be your server, what can I get the lovely couple to drink?" He smiled at us, politely. Me and rogue looked at each other and blushed.

"We're not a couple! Just friends!" We blurted out simultaneously. His eyes widened before he smirked.

"Water for both of us, please." I said meeting the eyes of our waiter. He smiled at me before leaving for our drinks.

"Well that was awkward..." Rogue broke the silence and we laughed together, brightening the mood. Hibiki returned with our water and took our dinner order. He looked at me and winked before walking off to the kitchen.

"Aaand our waiter's been checking you out." Rogue said more annoyed than he probably should've been.

"He's probably just trying to get a good tip." I sighed, hoping I was right. I have enough going on right now to even think about our flirtatious waiter. Every encounter with our waiter was awkward. He tried to make small talk, and then tried to get me to give him my phone number, and then even offered to personally walk me out when we were done with our meal.

"I'm glad that's over." I huffed as me and Rogue walked down the street. He stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry it was so awkward. If I would've known how weird our server would be, I would have picked somewhere different." I giggled at his aggravated expression, grabbed his hand and turned him around to face me.

"Don't apologize! I had a lot of fun with you today, Rogue!" I smiled sweetly, looking up at him. His face turned beet red, and couldn't seem to formulate a sentence that made any type of sense.

"I-I did too." He paused, his deep red eyes connecting with mine. "It's getting kind of late, how about I walk you home?"

"That'd be great, thanks!" I smiled at him, and we walked through the sunset lit streets of Magnolia, back to my home.

Decided to update thanks to the sweet comment alineescobar left on my Quotev version of this story~ Let me know who you want Lucy to end up with! I have all the way up to chapter 18 written, and bOY lemme tell you it gets juicy. Don't forget to comment and let me know how I'm doing so far, and favorite and subscribe so you don't miss any of these updates! I'll see you in the next chapter~

And as always, Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima!

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