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George was walking down the road to the local club. He decided he should just let his guard down and relax for the night.

He pulled out his fake ID and showed the guy at the entrance. Not once has this ID even been questioned as fake. It claimed he was 22 but really he was a few months off of being 21.

He went in and sat down. "Just get me some vodka, Will." He said.

He doesn't go to bars or clubs often, the only reason he comes to this one is because his friend works there.

"Rough day?" Will asked.

"I guess so," Will slid a shot of Vodka across the counter and as soon as George's hand made contact with the glass he downed it without thinking.

George slid it back wanting another one. "Woah, a second already. Chill dude, you know you're lightweight when it comes to alcohol. How about a Vodka Martini?" George nodded agreeing to try it out.

"So Wilbur, when does your shift end?" George asked.

"Like two minutes, but I gotta be outta here to stream with Niki after this."

George looked around at the club and listened to the loud music and watched some people dancing and many people drinking. While scanning the room he was sure he saw someone tall staring at him, but when he looked back to find them he couldn't see anyone looking at him.

"Here you go George. I gotta go, see ya later man."

"By Will," George turned and waved by to Wilbur who was going through the employees door. When he turned back around he didn't notice the new fizz in his drink, just that there was a guy standing near him.

"Can I sit here?" The guy asked, standing behind an empty barstool.

"Yeah, sure." George responded, drinking some of his martini while looking at how pretty this new man is.

"What's your name?" The guy asked.

"George. Yours?"


"Dream?" George questioned.

"It's not my real name, but its what I go by sometimes."

"Oh," George took big gulps of his drink which wasn't usual for him.

Dream chuckled and asked "Long day?"

"Kinda... stressful I guess."

"I feel ya." Dream said as he studied George who currently looked a little bit confused. "You good?"

"Yeah, I just feel a little.. dazed I guess. It doesn't usually happen with this little alcohol or this quickly."

"It's probably just from all the noise, I wouldn't worry about it. Drink some more, maybe it'll help."

Without thinking first George chugged the rest of the drink. Dream and George made some small talk before George caught on that that feeling isn't right. He wasn't thinking clearly and was slower than normal.

"Damn, I don't know what's wrong with me." George said.

"You should get some fresh air then, come on let's go outside." Dream took the hazy George by the wrist and out the back door. They went through the ally way to a black car.

"Wait where are we going?" George asked confused on what was a happening.

"Just getting some fresh air."

"All the way over here?"

"Yeah, you know how about I drive you home." Dream offered.

"No it's okay, I can walk, I'm just a few blocks away." George said.

"No, you're clearly not doing well tonight. Let me drive you."

"I'm okay really,"

"I insist, it's no problem for me to drive you home."

"Alright, I guess." George caved.

"The front seat has a box from earlier today on it, you mind riding in the back?"

"It's fine," Dream opened the back door and George got in. George was a little unsure about the situation but told himself that he would be fine.

Dream got in the drivers seat and started driving. "I live on Crescent Street, do you know where that is?"

"Yeah, crescent street got it." Dream said.

After a couple minutes George had realized that they had already passed his road a couple streets ago. "Hey, you know Crescent street is the other way right?" George asked as they were nearing an empty play park.

"Don't worry about it," Dream said as he pulled over on the side of the road. He turned back to George and pulled him closer to him before punching him hard enough to knock him out.

He sat back down and wiped the blood off of his hand onto his black jeans before continuing to drive.

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 749

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