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George POV:

I needed to get out. Is what circled through my head after he left. I have been just laying on the bed motionless. My leg burned from the cuts. I was hungry. And I still felt a little grossed out about what happened two days ago. At least I think it was two days ago.

The feeling of being here made me feel nauseous. Every time he laid a hand on me I've felt nauseous. Every time he came near me I feared what he would do next.

It's weird that I generally have no idea who this guy is. Does he know who I am? I've seen movies, heard stories, seen the local news. People get kidnapped and murdered every day. But I always thought five simple words. It won't happen to me. Then it did. I should've been smarter, this can happen to anyone to be honest. I just happened to be one of the unlucky ones.

Sure I'm not very tall. Not very strong. I may look weak to some people. Apparently I am weak. If I wasn't, then why am I here? I'm definitely not the stereotype of some guy. I'm skinny, and I don't walk around pretending I own the world.

I'm not the type of guy that would walk by a group of girls and they would start whispering about me. Dream is though. I'm not the kind of guy who grab's peoples attention. I'm the person nobody notices unless something happens to them. That's me.

Something happened to me. And I have no Idea wether or not people have noticed. Will might have by now. But to be fair, Will and I have the type of strong friendship where we can go without talking for days then go right back like nothing happened. We both have busy lives- well he does at least- but just because we don't always talk doesn't mean there's something wrong with our friendship.

I just hope he has noticed. I hope he can help.

Third person POV:

Dream was upstairs making dinner pretending as if he hadn't just cut open his hostages leg with his pocket knife.

He made a simple dinner, in which being mac n cheese. His mom is a chef, but a guy in his mid twenties could care less about cooking a five star meal for dinner.

He put down two bowls of mac n cheese on the kitchen island then went downstairs to get the small boy he stole several days earlier. He opened the door to find George in the exact position Dream had left him in two hours prior.

"George, come over here." He directed in a softish tone. George tried to force himself to get up, but it was like his entire body fought against him. "George, get up."

He tried again, ending in another failed attempt. "I can't." He whimpered.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dream asked approaching him.

"I don't know, I think my body is sore from not moving for so long."

"Well from now on don't do that then." Dream was slightly frustrated but tried not to show it. He knew George would not want to sit and eat with him upstairs if he scared him.

Dream pulled George to his feet and helped George walk a few feet to stretch. After that he made him walk the rest of the way upstairs on his own.

Once upstairs Dream pointed at a seat for George to sit in. He obeyed and started eating as the blonde sat across from him and also started to eat.

George ate quick, hungry after a full day of not eating since breakfast. But while he ate he made up a plan, desperate to escape.

George POV:

It wasn't a very strong plan. Hell, I even doubted that it would even work. But it is currently my best option, which is a lie, its my easiest option.

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