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George woke up snuggled up to Dream. He still remembers his nightmare vividly but hasn't had any dreams since. Dream was on his phone when George first woke up.

"Hi," Dream said. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess."

"And your knee?"

"I don't know, it hurts a tiny bit, but nothing like yesterday." George explained.

"Okay, let's see how you can walk." Dream got out of bed and carefully pulled George to his side of the bed. He slowly got George off of the bed and on to the ground.

George shifted some weight onto his left leg and winced in pain. Dream kept his arms out incase he fell but motioned for George to try walking. Unsteadily, George took a step forward and almost fell into Dream's arms but was able to keep himself up. He was able to limp to the other side of the room.

"How does it feel?" Dream asked him.

"Not amazing, but bearable enough to limp around." George told him.

"That's a lot better then yesterday. I'll let you walk around but if you need help just ask me." Dream said before picking him up. "But I'm carrying you up and down stairs for now."

"Okay," George smiled.

Dream took him downstairs and sat him on the couch. "Now stay and be a good boy." Dream kissed him on his head before going to make breakfast.

Sapnap came upstairs a few minutes later with Karl who was visibly a little upset.

The previous night:

Sapnap had taken Karl away from George, and back down into the basement. Karl remembered one of the first things Sapnap had ever said to him "if you ever attempt to escape you'll be punished badly."

He also remembered what George looked like the first day he met him. All beaten up and bruised. Karl asked George's days later what had happened, and he learned it was because he attempted to escape. Dream did that to him all because he just tried to escape. He knows Sapnap isn't like Dream, but still didn't know what would happen.

As soon as they made it to the room Karl hugged Sapnap and didn't let go. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"I know," Sapnap hugged back. "Just relax, Karl. I know exactly what I'm going to do with you, and you'll be just fine."

"I don't want to get hurt like George did."

"You're not going to. You both will be fine, I promise." Sapnap brought him to the bed and they sat down together.

"What is it?"

"It will be tomorrow. But don't worry about it. Just get some sleep, Karl"

Back to present:

Karl walked into the living room and sat at the opposite side of the couch from George. Sapnap followed him into the living room and stood in front of him.

"I'm going into the kitchen with Dream, this is your guy's last chance to prove to us that you can be good on your own in here." Sapnap said. "Do you understand, Karl?" Karl nodded. "George?"


"Good, now behave." Sapnap went into the kitchen with Dream and Karl and George were once again left alone.

"I know you told them." Karl said.


"How else would Sapnap conveniently run in the same direction I went when having "no clue" on where I could've gone." He said. "I know you told them."

"Well, that's not my fault."

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!" George argued.

"You said you wouldn't."

"Well I did. Grow the hell up and get over it." George said angrily.

Karl was quick to crawl across the couch and punch George in the chest. And George, even with a bad knee, was quick to fight back. Which resulted in them on the floor fighting, similar to brothers fighting over a tv remote.

Dream and Sapnap came into the room quickly and pulled them apart. Each holding a struggling colorblind brunette still trying to get to the other.

"Fuck you!" George yelled. Which made Karl even harder to restrain from George.

"What the hell." Dream said. "Both of you need to calm the fuck down before we get you one of those get along shirts."

Sapnap tried his best not to laugh at the comment while pushing Karl to the ground to keep them apart. And Dream sat George and himself down on the couch to calm down.

After a few minutes everyone was significantly calmer than before. "What the hell was that?" Sapnap asked.

"He started it!" George and Karl said at the same time.

"Okay, we aren't five. That is unfortunately no longer a reasonable excuse when you are an adult. So both of you need to rethink that sentence." Dream said.

"George explain first." Sapnap said.

"Karl blamed me for telling you guys where he went yesterday, then he punched me. So instinctively I fought back." George explained.

"And Karl?" Sapnap said.

"George did do that, I know he did. He made me mad."

"We don't hit, Karl." Sapnap scolded.

"That goes for you too, George. Karl wouldn't have been able to hit you more if you called for us. You didn't have to fight back. You don't hit people, George. You don't hit Karl, you don't hit Sapnap, and you know that I'm the last person you want to hit. The both of you need to stop acting like children and act your age."

"Well maybe if you treated us our age we wouldn't act like children." George said.

"Yeah," Karl agreed.

"Do you want us to treat you two the same way Dream treated his other victims?" Sapnap asked. Both boys shook their heads slowly. "Thought so."

"So either you deal with this, or you end up getting hurt. It's your choice." Dream said.

"Karl, I want you to apologize." Sapnap said.


"You want to be punished more then you already are going to be?"


"Then do what I say, and mean it. George is your friend."

"I'm sorry, for punching you."

Dream eyed George and he knew what to do. "I'm sorry too."

"There, now will the two of you be able to get along from now on?" Dream asked, and both nodded. "Good, now lets go have breakfast."

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1049

Sorry for the late update. Was playing Minecraft for eight hours yesterday.

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