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Back in the basement. Alone with Dream. Hiding in the corner. "Dream, I'm sorry, please don't do this." George pleaded.

"Sorry doesn't always work, even if you're incredibly pretty. But that might just be your problem here." Dream said slowly walking towards him. George had noticed a tiny detail but only for a second, his eyes were a different color. Much darker than usual.

"No, I'll be good, so much better than before. Just don't do this. Please." George tried to back up further into the corner, which was impossible do to a thing called atoms.

Dream crouched down in front of George, keeping him pushed up against the wall. "This will hurt so much less if you don't resist." He whispered.

"It will hurt less when I want it. I don't want this, please don't." Tears started falling down his face. "Don't," he whispered.

Dream sighed before standing up and dragging George across the room to the bed. George tried to fight back, but had no chance against Dream.

Dream cuffed his hands and ankles to the bed then stared at him for a minute. "Stop Dream, don't do it. You promised you wouldn't hurt me, remember?"

"Sometimes promises are broken, Georgie. I'm about to break mine." Dream said before getting on top of George and pulling on his pants. "Now be quiet for me."


George shot up from his sleep, gasping for air. Not long after Dream woke up, Dream with his normal green eyes.

"What happened?" Dream asked him. "George try to even your breathing, lay back. There you go, good job. Now I'll ask, what happened?"

"I- I think it was a nightmare. A really b- bad nightmare." George said, stumbling across his words. (Stop making fun if stuttering. It's not fucking funny.)

"What was it about?"

"You," George whispered.

"What about me?"

"You hurt me."

"What exactly happened?"

"I don't want to say," George told him.

"Why not?" Dream asked, brushing his hands through George's hair to help him calm down.

"Because it's bad."

"It's okay if you aren't comfortable telling me. But just so you know, if you tell me it might be better because it will be easier to help you." Dream said.

"It was.." He looked into Dreams eyes and just then connected the fact that they were darker in the nightmare. "Almost rape." He whispered. "It just scared me, that's all."

"Well that's understandable," Dream said. "But you know I'd never do that, right?"

George thought back to the time when he was "forced" to suck him off. But also remembered that he technically gave consent.

"I know,"

"Good, now how can I help you? And get you beck to sleep."

"I just want to cuddle, that's all I want." George said, getting closer to the real Dream.


It didn't take long for both of them to relax again. Dream listened to Georges breathing get lighter and more even.

Dream thought he was asleep when he heard him whisper "I love you,"

And suddenly Dream was wide awake again. "What was that?" Dream whispered. "George?" Maybe he has been asleep the whole time, and Dream was just imagining things.

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 534

Just a filler chapter.

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