23 (rewritten)

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George woke up to someone knocking on his door. He was upstairs in bed, and even though it was one p.m he had no interest in waking up to answer the door.

After a few more minutes of the knocking not going away he groaned before getting out of bed and walking downstairs. He expected a delivery man or a salesman. He opened the door prepared to tell whichever little girl is trying to sell him girl scout cookies to fuck off.

"You shouldn't sleep in so late, you might miss someone important that has come by." The familiar man who he has been trying to convince Wilbur that actually existed, was in front of him once again.

His hair was longer, the skin under his eyes was darker, he was skinnier than he was before. But he still looked perfect.

George ran into him and hugged him. "Hi, Georgie."
George didn't even talk to him. He stayed in his arms, his face in the crook of his neck. He felt like he was going to cry. He couldn't believe that he came back to him.

Dream lifted him off the ground and into his arms. He carried him inside to the couch. He sat down and kept holding him.

"You came back." George said.

"I'm sorry I left. I wanted you to be better."

"I'm not better, I'm worse. You're supposed to take care of me."

"You can take care of yourself." Dream said. "I know you can."

"No, I need you."

"I know, I listen to all your voicemails and texts. I've missed you too."

"Did Sapnap tell you to come back?" George asked.

"He told me that you didn't look well. I got worried about you. You don't look good. You're skinnier, and you look sick. Do you have any food?"


"Then we're going out for lunch, then going to the grocery store."

"No," George said. "I want to go to your house."

"You can't love."

"Why," George whined.

"Because Karl is still there, and Sapnap isn't risking anything right now."


"Because last time you two tried to escape."

"I won't help him do that this time, I promise. I want to be with you, I just want to be with you." He was sad, Dream knew he was sad. His voice was all sad, his face was sad.

"Okay, if you go eat a full lunch somewhere with me, then I'll seriously consider it." Dream agreed.

"How about you consider me moving in with you."

"We can't be together, George, it's not healthy. I'm sorry."

"Then I don't want to go eat lunch." He had tears in his eyes and was about to cry.

"George, what if things get bad again. Then what? Are we supposed to stay in an abusive relationship because you can't live without me? Or are you going to get help and learn to get better without me?" Dream asked him.

"I'm going to stay in an abusive relationship if it means I still get to be with you." He was crying now. "I need you."

"I-I know," Dream said. "I don't want to accidentally hurt you."

"You won't."

"But what if I do? Then what? I can't do that to you again. Every day I still see you all bruised and beaten. And it breaks my heart to remember that I did that to you."

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