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George woke up to someone knocking on his door. He was upstairs in bed, and even though it was one p.m he had no interest in waking up to answer the door.

After a few more minutes of the knocking not going away he groaned before getting out of bed and walking downstairs. He expected a delivery man or a salesman. He opened the door prepared to tell whichever little girl is trying to sell him girl scout cookies to fuck off.

"You shouldn't sleep in so late, you might miss someone important thats come by." The familiar man who he has been trying to convince Wilbur that actually existed was in front of him once again.

George ran into him and hugged him. "Hi, Georgie."

"Hi! I've missed you."

"I know, I listen to all your voicemails and texts. I've missed you too. Let's get inside." Dream picked George up and carried him back up to his room.

"Did Sapnap tell you to come back?"

"He told me that you didn't look well. I got worried about you, I told you to take care of yourself."

"I tried, but I just couldn't eat."

"Well now that I'm back will you eat?" Dream asked.

"Maybe, but I can't talk to you anymore."

"What? Why?"

"Because you were mean, and left. So now I gotta stop talking to you until you make it up to me."

Dream wheezed. "You little brat, I'll make it up to you as soon as we get food."

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 256

As you can probably tell I've been burned out from this book. The chapters are less frequent and a lot shorter. So now that the (very shittily wrote) reunion has happened I'm going to take a break from this book and come back when I feel better.

Make sure you drink water and take care of yourselves. Love y'all <3

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