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Weeks have passed, and more than a few. Almost three months have passed by. Sapnap and Karl were doing great together, but you can't say the same about Dream and George. There were good days and bad days. On good days there was no arguing and everyone was semi happy. George hung around Dream all day and just chilled out.

On bad days there was arguing, yelling, crying, hitting each other. It was becoming an issue. It always started with arguing, then Dream would raise his voice and George would too. Then George would get angry enough to punch or slap Dream, and instinctively Dream would hit him back. And it always ended with Sapnap pulling them apart and George running upstairs to cry under the bed.

Both knew it was a bad situation, both new that Dream was in charge so he had to decide how to handle it. But Dream didn't know what to do. Dream still had a thing for him, and George knew that. George still likes Dream, and although he's never admitted it out loud- besides that one time when he was half asleep- Dream knows he does.

Dream and Sapnap were downstairs in the kitchen. Karl was upstairs trying to comfort George. "I don't know if I can do it, Sap."

"I know its hard,"

"I can't do it. Having that, I just can't. I love him, no matter how much we fight."

"I know, but he needs it. And it'll be hard, but for now its for the better." Sapnap hugged Dream. "It will be okay."

"Alright, I'll go get him."

"I'll call Bad, to help you."


Dream brought himself upstairs to his bedroom. Karl was sitting on the ground next to his bed, which George was under.

"Sapnap wants you downstairs," Dream said. Karl whispered a bye and did what Dream said.

Dream shut the door behind Karl, he could hear George crying but tried to ignore it. He grabbed a small backpack and set it on the bed. He put two of his hoodies in it and George's favorite blanket, along with George's phone.

He sat at the end of the bed for several minutes trying his best to keep himself together. "George.. get out from under the bed, and come here please."

George slowly started to come out from under the bed, and he made his way to Dream. "You've been good here... but I know you aren't happy here. And we've been trying to get along and be happy, but the problem is that you want to get out of the house at your own free will, and you can't." Dream said while holding George's hands.

"So I'm going to take you back."


"I'm going to take you back to your house. As the news has said, your friend Wilbur has been taking care of it, and will until you are back, or are found dead. So we are going to go to your house."

"Really?" George smiled.

Dream forced himself to smile to keep George happy. "Yeah, let's go downstairs and get shoes on. Then we can go."

And they did that. They got their shoes on, said a temporary goodbye to Karl and Sapnap, as Dream said to George that he could come back whenever he wants. And then they got in to the car Bad was driving.

George told him his address, and surprisingly he was only thirty minutes away. He leaned up against Dream and got comfortable.

"Will you stay with me tonight? And we could go back to your house tomorrow night, after everything is sorted out with why I went missing and so. Also what are we going to tell everyone?" George talked quickly and Dream chuckled.

"Yes I'll stay with you for a bit and we'll figure everything out tomorrow, it's late."

The three talked for the next few minutes before they turned onto a road very familiar to George. Then pulled up to George's house.

George got excited and ran out of the car, Dream quickly followed behind. George ran up to the door then realized he didn't have they key, but Dream was ahead of him. Dream gave him the keychain of keys that George had on him the day he was kidnapped.

George unlocked the door and pulled Dream in by his hand. He took a second and stood still in the main entrance. The looked into the kitchen and living room, Wilbur really was taking care of it.

"Where's your room?" Dream asked him.

"Upstairs, come on." George said happily. He was the happiest Dream has ever seen him. He smiled genuinely at this, but he knew their time was limited together. And it was coming to an end too quickly for Dream. And it was coming to an end unknowingly to George.

They reached George's bedroom, George slid his shoes off then ran and jumped onto his bed. He sneaked under all of the blankets and giggled.

"I brought you something," Dream said. He set the backpack on the ground and opened it, pulling George's favorite blanket out of it. He took his shoes off and got in bed with George, wrapping the blanket around him. "You ready to go to sleep?"

"Yea," George snuggled in closer to Dream. "Thank you."

"I love you, George, I love you so much. I just want you to know that." Dream tried so hard to keep himself together.

"I know you do."

Doing the last thing he could Dream lifted Georges head up and kissed him. George was surprised but kissed back. It ended after a few moments. But both were happy in the moment. And George ended up falling asleep happy just a few minutes later, in Dream's arms, in his own house. Dream wished he could be just as happy in the moment. But he knew it was time.

George woke up the next morning just as happy as he was last night. He looked over to his side but the other side of the bed was empty, besides a pillow that replaced where Dream was.


ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1022

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