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TW: Manipulation and violence.

George laid around for probably hours.

Finally dream came back. He brought down food, water, and the blanket he promised. Dream threw the fluffy blanket on the bed next to George before sitting next to him getting ready to feed him.

Today Dream brought him mac n cheese, the microwave kind. But food was food and he hadn't eaten since yesterday.

Dream started feeding George like he was a toddler. "Tomorrow I'll start giving you food twice a day, since I'm keeping you alive."

"So I'm not here for you to kill me?" George asked shyly.

"No," Dream then started to feed him quick enough to keep him from talking.

After George finished the mac n cheese and Dream was getting ready to give him water George asked another question, after preparing to get slapped.

"Why are you keeping me here then?" He asked, almost flinching out of instinct.

"To be mine." Dream said blandly.


"Shut up and drink the water before I pull out a knife and cut you." Dream threatened. That was a very specific threat, but it shut George up.

Dream gave him enough water to stay hydrated at the least. Dream grabbed his face and pried his jaw open.

"You felt good this morning, how about we put that pretty little mouth of yours to use more often." He said before laying George down and putting the blanket over him.

"I'll be back later, I'll take you to the bathroom then." He said before leaving again.

George was certainly a little freaked out from what Dream just said but after calming himself down a bit he was finally able to relax a tiny bit for the first time since he got there. The warmth helped. Blankets make everything better.

In the late afternoon Dream went back downstairs to let him use the bathroom. He opened the door and saw that the little brown haired boy was still cuddled under the blanket sleeping.

He didn't look very comfortable, with his hands still cuffed behind his back. Dream took pity on him and carefully took them off. He slowly repositioned George to make him more comfortable without waking him up.

Dream let George sleep and went at sat in the chair across the room. He got out his phone and scrolled through twitter when he realized that it was pretty cold down here, no wonder George was so desperate for that blanket.

He went on his phone to the app connected to the heating and cooling in his house and turned the basement furnace up a little bit.

"The more comfortable George is, the more likely he will submit to me. But he also can't get to comfortable to quickly." Dream thought.

Dream knew if he let George get to comfortable really quickly then it will be harder to torture him. If George gets too comfortable then Dream becomes to soft on him. It will probably happen eventually, but not so soon.

About an hour later George woke up and realized his hands were uncuffed. He looked at Dream sitting in the chair looking up from his phone and watching George wake up.

"How long have you been down here?" George asked, also taking notice to how the room was more warm than cold.

"About an hour." Dream said. George shuddered at the thought of being watched as he slept.

"Has he done this before?" George thought to himself. The answer was no, but George didn't know that, he was just hoping the answer was no.

"You wanna go to the bathroom?" Dream asked him.

George nodded and got off the bed. Dream grabbed him by the arm again and took him upstairs. He roughly pushed him into the bathroom and stepped right outside the door.

George didn't waste any time using the bathroom. As he washed his hands it kind of took him back. Making him remember that this is reality and this isn't some nightmare he is going to wake up from. It's a nightmare he has to live through.

He wanted to be able to brush his teeth, and take a shower like a normal person. He wants to eat enough food, and not almost freeze every night. He wanted to ask questions without getting slapped.

Tears started running down his face without him being able to control it. He tried to hide it before he had to see Dream again and go down to the basement.

But Dream took notice at the first barley audible sniffle from George. He stepped into the bathroom and turned George around who was standing at the sink, not that he couldn't already see him in the mirror.

George looked down not wanting to look at Dream. He wiped away some tears with the sleeve of his hoodie. He wasn't expecting Dream to be nice, not after his first experiences with him. He was right.

"Why are you crying?" Dream asked and received no answer. "I asked you a question." He said angrily.

"It's pretty obvious why. I don't want to be here."

"You have no reason to be crying, I'm not that mean to you."

"You fucking forced me to suck you off earlier, you've hit me and been a bitch to me." George half yelled. Immediately after he knew he should've kept his mouth shut.

Dream dragged George out of the bathroom. He roughly threw George to the hallway floor. "You want me to be meaner? Because I can be, and I will be."

He kicked George causing him to slide across the floor farther down the hallway. George yelled at the impact and continued crying.

Dream went over to George and pulled him up face to face from the collar of his hoodie. He studied the crying boy before punching him once in the face and shoving him back to the ground.

He let George cry and panic on the hallway floor for several minutes. After probably ten to fifteen minutes when George started to stop crying Dream carelessly pulled him to his feet.

He pulled him into the living room, which George had never seen before, and sat him down in a corner facing the wall.

"You wanna be a brat and yell at me then I'll treat you like it. And you know what happens to brats? They get put in time out. Stay here and don't move. And that isn't a suggestion, its a threat." Dream said in George's ear.

Dream went to go sit on the couch and watch tv while George leaned up against the wall and held back the tears that threatened to fall. He hugged his legs, pulling them to his chest.

It was already dark outside when they came upstairs, so George really had no concept of time. He was to afraid to look away or in any other direction because of Dream.

His face ached with pain, he wanted to cry more then go back to sleep. But that whole situation thing repeating itself will now be one of George's biggest fears.

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1294

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