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George didn't know what to think from that. He wasn't alone now, but seeing that wasn't a great sight. He remembered being chained up like that, just days earlier.

Dream continued to carry him upstairs. Remembering all of the times he was hit, and thrown around, and everything else in such a short period of time. And remembering what happened yesterday, marks and bruises became more apparent and more painful during the night. He couldn't help but start silently crying.

He tried to hide it, keep Dream from knowing. But once Dream started gently rubbing his back, and holding him comfortably tighter, George knew that he knew.

Dream brought him upstairs, they sat on the bed but Dream kept him in his arms the same way as before. He turned Netflix on and just let George get through it.

It took him a long time to calm down, Dream kept holding onto him the entire time. Once he finally calmed down he went completely quiet and limp. Dream thought that maybe he had fallen asleep until he looked down at him and saw him just staring out the bedroom window.

"Tell me what's wrong, George."

"What do you think is wrong." George snapped.

"Drop that tone, and tell me exactly what is bothering you right now."

George took a moment to fix his tone of voice before speaking to Dream again. "Seeing Karl like that reminded me of a few days ago.. and yesterday. And then it made me remember what's really happening."

Dream didn't really know how to comfort George at this time. After a minute of silence he finally spoke. "George... do you want to go outside with me?"


"I think you could use it, it'd be good for you." Dream lifted them up, and carried George downstairs. Dream sat George on the ground in the main hallway and got his shoes for him.

"Alright, you're going to hold my hand the whole time, and be quiet." Dream grabbed his hand as he opened the door.

George let Dream gently pull him outside. They walked into the woods and started following a trail.

"George," Dream said as he looked ahead and kept walking with him.


"Do you like this?"


"If we do this more often.. do you think you'd be less scared of me?"

"Maybe," George whispered.

"I don't really want you to be scared of me anymore, I just want you to be able to talk to me. Y'know?" Dream explained.

"Yeah I guess."

"I'm sorry for hurting you so much yesterday." Dream said. "I just had to teach you not to do that again. I know you probably don't understand, but this isn't my first time with this. Trust me, if you weren't you, you'd be dead."

"If I wasn't me?" George asked.

"Yes you,"

"What about me?"

"You aren't the first person I've kidnapped. Maybe about five other guys around your age. I did it because killing gave me something to get my anger out on. And-"

"Are you going to kill me?" George cut in.

"As I was saying, I kidnapped you for a different reason. This reason has nothing to do with wanting to kill you. After so long of kidnapping and killing, I didn't know what else to do but that. And maybe it was a mistake, taking you. But I still think it's possible for us to get along. But the point of telling you this is because out of the five ish guys I've kidnapped, only one was able to escape. And the second Sap and I found him, I shot him dead." Dream paused and sighed. "When you escaped all I wanted was for you to be back, and be safe. I wasn't concerned about even punishing you at the time. The thought of killing you never crossed my mind at all. No one has ever been treated like you, George, only one has escaped, only one has been on the main floor, none of them have been in my bed with me. None of them had ever been like this with me. The only thing is that all of them ended up dead within less then a week. But you're not like that to me."

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