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George woke up the next morning in Dreams arms. He was being carried to the main floor again. Dream laid him down on the couch and whispered in his ear. "Don't get to comfortable."

Dream went to get George food for breakfast. George's mind was still foggy from just waking up. He looked around the room. He still had his blanket wrapped around him.

He knew it was early because of the angle of the sun shining though the window next to him. He sat up and looked over the back of the couch out the window.

Morning dew rolled down the window pane, and everything outside looked damp. As much as he wanted to be out there and away, George couldn't even think about leaving through the window or any other way because the kitchen and living room where connected. Dream would see.

Dream came back with cereal for George. He handed him the bowl and sat down next to him turning the tv on.

George started eating and Dream didn't say a word to him. Dream didn't even touch him. Yesterday Dream was cuddling him and being nice, and today it's almost like he's pulling away. Who h was fine to George.

George watched tv with Dream as he ate. Dream was watching Rick and Morty. At least his kidnapper has taste. George finished his cereal and Dream took him to the kitchen. Dream put the bowl in the sink and got out a water bottle and filled it.

George was standing a few feet away from Dream with his blanket still wrapped around him. To him it felt like the one thing he had in the world right now was his blanket. It gave him little comfort in this place he was in, but it was the only thing that gave him comfort. Dream would have to literally pry it away from him if he tried to take it.

Dream handed George the water bottle then pulled him by the wrist out of the kitchen, through a door, down a staircase, through another door, into the basement.

George was a little disappointed to be locked back in the freezing and lonely room, but ever since the incident the day before yesterday he has been waiting to be away from Dream.

Dream sat him down on the bed and crouched down to his eye level. "Will you be a good boy if I leave you uncuffed?" George nodded violently, not wanting to have an even darker red color on his wrists. "Alright, then you better behave."

Dream left him alone again with nothing to do. George drank some water and just stared around the room. If this was yesterday or the day before that, he would've took this time to cry things out again. But now he just felt empty.

He has been sleeping a lot recently, but he knew it must've been early when Dream woke him up and he was still tired. He slowly laid down on the gross aging mattress and closed his eyes. Falling back asleep, to a place where he can completely forget about his current situation.

When George woke up he was where he expected to be. In the cold dingy basement where Dream had left him just hours earlier. He realized that Dream must've been down there since because there was pieces of paper and a few markers on the desk.

George hauled himself up and off of the bed and over to the desk. He sat down in the chair and took the cap off one of the markers. He wasn't much of a drawer but he was bored and there wasn't anything else to do.

He mostly just drew whatever came to mind, just small random things. He drew a few mushrooms because mushrooms are great and addictive to draw.

Eventually Dream came back into the basement. He stood behind George who was still sat in the chair. Dream leaned onto the desk by putting both arms on either side of George.

He silently shuffled through the papers on the desk, each had a gather of small drawings George had made. George just leaned back in the chair and let Dream look through it. He didn't speak and he didn't look up at Dream.

"What happened to all those questions you had?" Dream asked while still looking at the drawings.

"You don't want them asked." George said in a flat voice.

"So you've learned something, finally. You can ask questions only when I say you can."

There was a few moments of silence between them. George just wanted him to leave so he could go back to doing his own thing.

"Since I'm down here, how about we have a little bit of fun? Well, way more fun for me I suppose."

"What?" George asked in the same flat voice as before.

Suddenly Dream picked him up and threw him onto the bed. Dream grabbed two pairs of handcuffs then pinned George down and cuffed him to a loop on the wall right above the bed.

At first George didn't react much but now as Dream was trying to put another cuff on his ankle he resisted. But it wasn't hard to Dream to get him.

"Wait, Dream, don't do this. Please don't." George begged, uselessly pulling on the cuffs as if they'd magically open themselves.

⚠︎︎ cutting warning ⚠︎︎

Dream chuckled. "I think you got a little bit of the wrong idea, dear." Dream said as he pulled a pocket knife from his hoodie pocket.

George's eyes widened. "WAIT, don't do that either. Please, I'll be good for you." George struggled even more now, he could feel the cold metal around his wrist and ankle digging into his skin.

"Oh I'm sure you will want to be after this." Dream grabbed his free leg and pulled the pant leg up to his knee. At this point George was close to tears scared of what Dream was about to do to him.

Dream lined the knife up to George's lower leg. He watched the struggling boys face right as he applied pressure and made a cut in his leg.

George yelled in pain, he forgot what the feeling of being cut feels like. "I'VE BEEN GOOD FOR YOU. PLEASE STOP."

Dream continued to make cuts in George's leg. He remembered to not go to deep, otherwise he would have to call a friend in to stitch him up.

After making a few cuts, that felt like many to George, Dream stopped and pulled George so that his leg laid off of the mattress. He watched the blood roll down his leg and onto the floor.

"Don't move." Dream said before leaving the room. Tears rolled down George's face. He felt the unpleasant feeling of blood rolling down his leg. He laid uncomfortably with how he was cuffed. It wasn't like he could move anyways.

Dream came back within minutes. He wiped up the blood then wrapped a bandage around George's leg and pulled the pant leg back down.

Dream got up and uncuffed George who let his arms fall to his sides. Dream cupped his face with his hands.

"Wasn't that a great experience?" He said sarcastically. The most George could do was shake his head no. "Good."

And once again, George was left alone.

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1235

Give me some more future chapter ideas (:

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