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Dream carried George upstairs and back to Dream's bedroom into his bathroom. He set George on the bathroom counter then got some bactine and a wash cloth.

Dream wiped any blood that was on George's feet off then but bactine on the wash cloth. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch, but its not like you don't deserve it." Dream warned.

George hissed in pain as soon as it hit the small open wounds. He tried to pull away from it but Dream didn't allow it.

"I don't have to do this for you, I could care less if I left the wounds get infected. But I do care if you're unable to walk, I'm not carrying you around."

Dream finished disinfecting any cuts on George, then he dampened a new wash cloth and washed dirt off his skin.

George kept quiet and tried not to shake in response to fear the best he could. But his body still lightly shaked and there was nothing he could do about it. He knew Dream noticed it, especially after Dream put his hand on his George's thigh to try and calm him.

'Why is he trying to comfort me?' George thought to himself. There had to be some reason why Dream wants to comfort him and beat him up at the same time.

Dream standed in between George's legs once he finished cleaning him up. George was trapped in his grasp, as much as he wanted to try and wiggle away he remembered Sapnap telling him to be as good as he possible for Dream.

"Do you think that you can do whatever you want to? Did you really think you would escape? And did you really think you'd get away with it?" Dream asked in a low voice, giving George a death stare.

George shook his head no. He didn't look Dream in the eyes, but Dream could very well see tears in his eyes ready to fall. "Save your tears for tomorrow."

"Are y-.. you gonna kill me?" George choked through mid sentence.

"No," Dream said in a soothing voice as he started to run his hands through George's dark brown hair. "Because where is the fun in that?" The soothing tone had disappeared and was now covered in a smirk.

"What are you going to do to me?" George whispered.

"I'm gonna have fun with you tomorrow, you're already a mess off of fear. And now your going to have to wait all night wondering what I'm going to do to you," Dream hands slowly ran up and down George's torso. "By morning you'll be restless, and by the time I'm done with you, you won't even be able to cry anymore."

George shivered, and he could no longer hold back his tears. "I'm sorry," At this point he wished Dream would just kill him. It wasn't worth living if he would just be getting hurt.

George looked down at his lap as he spoke. "I know you're going to hurt me... but is there anything I could do to at least make it less?" George spoke mostly in a monotone voice, trying not to show how he felt.

Dream knew what he meant by that. George didn't want to do it, but a blow job for less pain might've been worth it.

"How I'd love for that feeling from you again. But that isn't how this is gonna work." Dream pulled George into his arms so he could pick him up. He took the small boy out of his room and downstairs again. Now setting him on the kitchen counter. Dream got water and a pill out and handed it to George.

"Take it," Dream watched George follow directions and do as he was told. "That will make you feel sick all night, remember that next time you do something stupid."

Dream pulled George by the wrist downstairs to the basement and pushed him onto the bed. "No blanket," Dream said as he started to take the blanket away from him.

George immediately latched on and refused to let him take the blanket. "No! Please don't take the blanket. Anything else, but not the blanket." He pleaded.

"You decided to misbehave and try to escape. I said no blanket, which means no blanket. So let go."

"No, I need it. Take something else please."

"If you don't let go of this then you loose the blanket and your two meals tomorrow. 3...2..." Dream warned.

At the last second George gave in, he needed food. Dream already didn't give him much to eat. He just hoped that his blanket would be returned soon.

George laid on the cold concrete ground crying. "Why did you do this to me? Why did it have to be me?"

"What?" Dream asked in a snappy way.

"You could've chose anyone else to kidnap and torture, maybe even someone who deserved it. But out of all people you chose me. There's nothing special about me, I'm just another waste of space on this planet, and now I hate life more than I did before."

Dream started to feel slightly bad for him. "Get on the bed." George looked up at him with a questioning look. "You heard me. Get on the bed."

George tried to calm himself and stop crying as he crawled onto the mattress and laid down. He was surprised when Dream put the blanket over him.

"If you go to sleep now you won't feel the affects from the pill. I'll be back in the morning."

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 930

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