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Over two weeks have gone by smoothly. Every other day Dream would take him on a walk after breakfast, then they watched tv or some movies. After that they had lunch then George would sit in Dream's office and draw while Dream got work done. Then George got to sit downstairs with Karl for an hour, then dinner, movies, bed. And every few days George was allowed a shower or bath, still monitored by Dream.

Unknowingly to George, Dream was definitely infantilizing him. He treated him like he was a five year old. George didn't really focus on it, and if he was being honest he didn't really care anyways. He's heard of age regression, but it isn't really what this is. It's just the fact that he's hidden away from society and most human interactions by Dream, and because of that he feels less like an adult who should have responsibilities.

After what felt like forever, Sapnap brought Karl upstairs. After spending several nights in the basement with Karl he realized he might as well just bring him upstairs.

For the first few days Karl and George were allowed to be near each other, but not enough to the point where they could attempt to team up against Sapnap and Dream. Which wouldn't even be possible anyways.

But finally George and Sapnap were left in the living room alone, but they knew it wouldn't last long. "George, come on." Karl said, sneaking over to the nearest window and opening it as quietly as possible.

"Are you sure? They will catch us." George said, even though he found himself halfway out a window with Karl already out.

"We can at least try," Karl said. "Sapnap is fine, but I don't wanna stay here."

They ran into the woods barefoot. They decided against running down the driveway into the road because it would be easier for Dream and Sapnap to find them and catch them. They just beeded to run through the woods to the road. Along the way George tripped over a log and busted his knee on a rock. (Typical 🙄)

Karl ran to George's side and helped him up. "We can still make it." He tried to convince George.

"No, I can't. I need to wait for Dream to come find me. I won't make it to the interstate." George winced as he fell against a tree. "Keep going, when they find me I won't tell them where you went."

"Alright, be careful." Karl said.

"You too."

George sat against a tree and waited a good five minutes before starting to scream for help. "DREAM," he would periodically yell. He was much closer to the house than he was last time, it shouldn't take long for them to find George.

(Back at the house)

Sapnap was walking back into the living room from the kitchen. "Shit," he whispered under his breath. "Dream, we have an issue." He went back into the kitchen. "The little shits escaped."

"Again?" Dream asked. "You'd think I scared George enough last time."

"Guess not." Sapnap shrugged. "Let's go."

They started going in the direction of the window they left open. They jogged at a mild pace and started to get worried after no sign of the two.

Until both of them heard "DREAM HELP." Sapnap and Dream looked at each other.

"Was that George?" Sapnap asked. "Leading us straight to him?"

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