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When Wilbur got to George's house he tried everything he could to make him feel better. But nothing worked. He tried to get him to eat normally, but the most he would eat is a few small snacks throughout the day.

It was like this for two weeks, but a few small snacks became one, which became zero. George would pretend to eat to get Wilbur to leave it alone, but Wilbur knew what was happening and was trying all he could to help George.

It's been three weeks since George has seen Dream, every time he thought about what happened made him physically ill, hence why he stopped eating.

"George let's go to the grocery store together," Wilbur suggested. "Let's get some food you really like, even if it's all candy."

"I guess we could try that." George tried to be happy, he really did. But no matter where Wilbur took him, or what crazy thing they'd do together, it didn't work. When going on walks with Wilbur he tried to pretend he was on one of his walks with Dream. It just made him more sad in the end. He also lost a lot of sleep, he's had insomnia because of anxiety. So he looked like [gay] trash. (🧍)

Him and Wilbur walked into the grocery store, they roamed around for a while. George occasionally pretended to show interest, and Wilbur pretended to not see right through it.

"Just wait here, I have an idea." Wilbur said. George was left in the middle of the cereal isle. Looking at all the rainbow cereals was almost overwhelming, especially for someone who hasn't eaten regularly in weeks.

He looked around, and down the isle. Then he saw someone familiar. He slowly walked closer to check to see if he was just seeing things.


"Oh god,"

George ran and hugged Sapnap. Someone who proved everything with Dream wasn't just some fever dream.

"How's Dream and Karl? Also how are you? What are you doing in town? Can I go back with you? Pleaseee,"

"I'm not supposed to see you, George." Sapnap said. "I need to go."

"No, please, I wanna see Dream." George sulked.

"I know you do, okay. This isn't easy on either of you."

"He misses me?"

"Of course he does. He just wants you to be happy."

"But I'm not happy," George told him. "I just want him back. Can you tell him to come back?"

"I will, he probably won't listen, but I will. Take care of yourself though, you look like you need it." Sapnap left before George could stop him.

Wilbur came back into the isle a few moments later. "Everything okay?"

"No." George put the bag of Doritos he's been holding for Wilbur to be happy, down on a self. "I want to go home."

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 476

On the gay topic, I've been reading heartstopper for a while now (a few months), AND NOW THERES GONNA BE A NETFLIX SERIES? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
so if I'm gone on april 22nd you know where i am ;)

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