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"I don't know if we're ready yet." Dream mumbled. "I don't know if I can trust him enough to not do stupid shit like that again. I mean he'll probably be more scared to now, but if he does.. I don't know."

"We can always put them there together. Just maybe not at first." Sapnap suggested.

"That's true I guess." They sat in silence for several minutes. Both thinking about the same thing. "I guess you could do it tonight. And we'll figure it out together."

"And George?"

"I'll drug him and lock him in my room. So when you get back I can help you. But for now, I'll explain exactly how I got George here."

George woke up several hours later. He woke up completely laying on top of Dream, but he was pretty comfortable so he didn't even try to move.

Dream and Sapnap were talking about who knows what. He looked around the room and saw that the tv read 5:43 pm in the corner of the screen. He didn't think he actually slept through the whole day, given that he also didn't know when he fell asleep to begin with. He could feel his body start to ache again, all of the pain had started to come back.

For some reason he wanted to let Dream know that he was awake. He wasn't able to talk to him yet, not unless Dream talks first. The best George could do was gently tug on the sleeve of Dream's hoodie, which got his attention.

"Hi," Dream said.

"Hi," George whispered back.

"How are you feeling?"

"It hurts." George said softly. Dream looked at Sapnap who then got up to a different room, Dream then carefully turned George around so that he was facing him.

"What have you learned from this?" Dream asked, doing the same thing he did last time he punished George.

"Not to run away," George looked down away from Dreams face.


"And not to throw things at you."

"Thank you, now give me a hug." George looked up at Dream with wide eyes.

"Hug?" He whispered.

"Yes, but you have to start it." Dream instructed.


"Because that's what I want from you."

George waited for a couple of seconds before slowly wrapping his arms around Dream, who then did the same thing to George.

George finally realized that Dream wanted him to relax and stay like this. Sapnap came back into the room with another needle which he handed to Dream.

Now that Dream had George in his arms and as relaxed as he could get him, he rolled up George's sleeve.

"Okay George, I'm going to give you more pain relief now. Are you ready?" George nodded, arms still around Dream and his face in the crook of his neck. "Okay, three, two, one."

George felt the pinch come and go quickly before a wave of relief. Dream pulled George off of him and sat him in his lap.

"Are you ready to try eating again?" George nodded in response. Dream lifted him up so he could get up, then he set him back down on the couch.

Dream went to make all three of them food while Sapnap and George sat in the living room. George couldn't help but notice that Sapnap looked almost worried about something. He was definitely thinking of something important.

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