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George got some sleep, not a lot but he did get some. He woke up and laid still for many hours feeling nauseous. Scared of Dream. He felt as if his body could not take anymore physical pain. He didn't know how he would get through whatever Dream decides to put him through.

After sitting still for hours the door opened which caused George to flinch. Dream walked over to George and pulled him out of bed and to his feet.

Suddenly he quite literally slammed George into the concrete wall. After hitting the wall George fell to the ground, processing the sudden wave of pain.

Dream pulled him back up and repeated the action. George did the same thing, but this time tears threatened to fall down his face.

"This sucks doesn't it? And I just got started with you." Dream teased. He dragged George across the floor to the middle of the room. He took his belt off and looped it. He hit George's side with it, then his thighs, his arms and his stomach. Basically anywhere Dream could get to. (I don't mean this in a kinky way, I just know that that shit hurts)

George winced each time he was struck with the belt. Tears silently escaped his eyes. He didn't fight back, too scared to make it worse. All he did was cover his face with one hand and hold on to Dream's leg with the other.

Dream let his anger out on him, and when he finally stopped after a good five minutes of hitting the boy underneath him, he looked at him.

George was shaking, trying not to cry, and failing, and had his hand clamped onto Dream's leg. After realizing Dream had stopped either for good or just to take a break, he slowly pulled himself into a little ball. He still kept his hand on Dream and he was still shaking.

Dream breathed heavily as he watched George try to comfort himself. He had a very strong urge to help him and calm him down which was very confusing for Dream, but he willed himself against it.

"You make it really hard to torture you, you know that?" Dream crouched down next to him.

George opened his mouth in attempt to say something, but after trying he shut his mouth and all he got out was a "Hm?"

"You should see yourself from my view. You look helpless. I want to do so much more to you, but you make me wonder if I could even bring myself to do it." Dream said. (that lore voice tho)

Dream pushed George onto his back and slowly pulled his shirt up just enough to see his work. He chuckled as he looked at the probably painful red marks laid all over the brunettes body.

"How about we take a little break. I'll give you food, and let you painfully eat it. Then I'll continue what I was doing."

Dream grabbed George's blanket then went and lifted the still shaking boy off the ground and into his arms. He took him upstairs and set him down in a chair at the kitchen island.

Dream made him a sandwich and gave it to George to eat. Tears still ran down his face, and he was constantly trying to wipe them away. He tried his best to eat the food even if it was a painfully slow process. He wasn't hungry and in fact felt nauseous, but he wanted to be good so he did his best to please Dream.

Dream watched everything George did. It wasn't easy to watch. He looked miserable, and like he was about to throw up. He was only less then halfway done with the sandwich and it had already been over ten minutes.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to." Dream told him. "It's fine with me if you're not up for eating. And it's okay to cry, I know this isn't easy for you. You just need to learn."

"I hav-ve... I promise." George chocked out, after taking a deep breath he spoke more. "I can't do anymore Dream, I won't be able to handle it. I'm sorry I made you mad but I don't want to do it again by not being able to take the pain." George hid his face in his blanket and attempted to wipe away his tears with it.

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