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Dream didn't sleep that night. When he got home he went upstairs and locked himself in his room. And he stayed there for a while. He waited all night for when George woke up and called. It took everything for him not to answer those calls. He just waited for a voicemail so he could hear George's voice.

But then he realized it was worse. Hearing George broken down and begging him to come back. Saying he needed to tell him something important. Then the texts, that came non stop. All both of them wanted was each other. But it wasn't healthy. They needed space.

Dream played George's voicemail message multiple times. He finally broke down, after holding himself together for hours, and having to say goodnight to George as a goodbye.

He didn't leave his room that day, or the next, or even the third day after. George still texted him at least every five minutes, he heard that George's friend Wilbur came by and has been helping him take care of himself. That was relieving for Dream, knowing that someone was doing what he should've been. But after a week a text every five minutes became ten, and ten became twenty, and twenty became thirty. After a while George seemed to be doing better.

But Sapnap had to make sure Dream eats, and he checks on him often, and he even drags Dream downstairs to watch a movie with him and Karl.

The first time Dream left his room was four days after leaving George. Sapnap managed to get him to go downstairs to eat dinner with them.

"What happened to George?" Karl asked.

"George won't be here anymore." Sapnap told him.

Karl looked over to Dream, worried about where his friend went. "Where did you take him?"

"Karl, we can talk about it later." Sapnap said.

"Did you kill him?"

"No... I would never do that to him." Dream said.

"Then where is he?"

"I brought him back to his house, then left in the middle of the night. He's better off without me." Dream said.

"No he isn't, he loves you."

"Karl, drop it for now." Sapnap warned.

"Go back to him, its what he would want."

"Well that's not what I want for him." Dream told him. "I want him to be happy, and I couldn't do that for him."

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 398
shorter chapters ahead but hopefully more uploads
happy easter hoes <3

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