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George wasn't sure how long he was sitting there. Enough time for at least four theme songs of some show to pass by.

He fidgeted with the hem of his sock to pass time, it also helped when he was nervous. Which he was. The moment he heard the tv shut off he tried his best to brace himself for whatever would happen.

Dream walked over to George and turned him around before sitting on the floor in front of him. "Have you learned not to yell at me?" He asked. He wasn't really mad anymore, he just sounded strict.

George nodded but that wasn't good enough for Dream. "I want to hear you say it."

"Yes, I have learned not to yell at you." George forced himself to say. Even if it was the opposite of what he wished to say.

"I want you to apologize." Dream said. George hid his expression and kept a blank face.

"You should apologize for nearly beating the shit out of me." Is what he wanted to say back. Dream did not deserve an apology, George did. But he knew that he wasn't getting one.

"I'm sorry... for yelling at you." He once again forced himself to say.

"Thank you." Dream stood up and picked up George, who allowed it to happen. George wasn't in any mood for fighting against Dream.

George let Dream carry him to his kitchen where Dream sat him down on the counter. George looked out the kitchen window and saw nothing but trees. There was no hope.

Dream got a cup out of the cupboard and filled it with water. George was fully capable of drinking it himself, with his arms no longer cuffed behind him. But Dream didn't let it happen, he helped George drink the water because he liked being in charge and in control.

He patiently let George drink some water, afterwards he picked him up again. George didn't like the fact he was being carried, but he especially didn't like that he was being carried so all he could do was wrap his arms and legs around Dream and rest his head on his shoulder.

He was carried downstairs and set on the bed. Dream grabbed the handcuffs that were still on the bed from earlier, and George fully expected to be put back in them. But instead Dream reclosed them and put them on the desk.

Dream forced George to lay back before he laid next to him and pulled the blanket onto them. George had no choice but to be pulled into Dream's arms and sleep like that. It disgusted him, but it's life now.

He wanted Dream to leave so he could cry it out again, but he knew that wasn't going to happen.

George woke up on top of Dream. It was normal for him to cuddle with people while he was asleep, but he had a feeling that Dream had pulled him there.

Dream was already awake and on his phone. George lifted himself to get off of Dream and that's when he felt pain in his head.

Dream must've noticed the expression on George's face. "You good?" He asked.

"No," George whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I have a migraine." George whispered again.

Dream sighed and put his phone in his pocket before standing up and picking up George who remained wrapped up in his blanket. He was carried upstairs and set down on the counter. Dream got him pain meds out and forced him to take them.

George was a little unsure about them, being drugged is how he probably ended up here in the first place. But Dream didn't give him a choice, and he forced the pills and water into his mouth. George was in too much pain to fight against it, so he swallowed without being told.

Dream picked him back up, but this time he took him down a hallway and up a staircase. George noticed but didn't say anything or ask anything.

Dream brought him into a large bedroom and laid him down in the bed. "What if he drugged me so he can use me without a fight?" Was George's first thought.

Dream grabbed the tv remote and turned on the tv as he laid next to George. He pulled the small boy into his lap and leaned him back.

"Go back to sleep." Dream said. "It'll make you feel better."

"Why are you doing this?" George said weakly.


"Why are you doing this when just last night you were hitting me?"

"Because migraines suck, and I'll do whatever I want with you or to you. Now sleep." He instructed.

As George started getting more tired again Dream slowly moved his hands around George's body. George wanted to yell at him to stop, and then run away. But he knew better now. He knew he had to be careful with everything he does and everything he says.

word count: 831

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