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George woke up to a single ray of sunlight shining through the window and laying directly on his face. He slowly woke up and immediately could feel the person holding him from behind.

George didn't want to bother Dream, because maybe he'd be happier if he woke up on his own time. George slowly and carefully wiggled his way under and out of Dream's arms, then he slowly walked to the bathroom, mindful of any noise from each step.

He used the bathroom and was about to go back to the bed, before he saw his toothbrush still laying on the counter. "Dream did give it to me, and I have the right to feel clean." George thought to himself.

He quickly started brushing his teeth. It hadn't been that long since he last was able to, but he usually would twice a day and not being able to makes a difference in his mind.

He was minding his own business when he flinched because of a loud knock on the door. "George?" He heard Dream call in a worried tone.

George quickly spit and rinsed off the toothbrush then he ran over to unlock the door. "Sorry," He said to Dream.

"Jesus, you scared me for a minute. I thought you got out again." Dream let out a heavy breath in between sentences.

"He acts like I'm a fucking dog."

"I'm sorry, I should have asked." George mumbled, trying his best to get on Dreams good side.

"It's fine, just don't lock the door. You aren't allowed to hide things from me anyways."

"I can't lock the door to use the bathroom." George asked.

"No, and if you do you're in trouble. Understand?" George tried to not show the frustration in his face as he nodded. "Let's go find something for breakfast."

Dream took George by the wrist downstairs and into the kitchen. George sat down while Dream started to make toaster waffles.

They ate quietly before Sapnap came upstairs from the basement. "Hey," He said.

"How's he doing?" Dream asked.

"Not well,"

"How about we put George down there for a little bit? Maybe help him a little." Dream suggested.

"Sure, I guess that might help."

"What?" George asked, after finishing his waffles.

"You're going to have a nice time downstairs with someone for an hour." Dream explained as he lifted George into his arms.

The three of them went downstairs together, Sapnap unlocked the door while Dream held the trembling George.

"Who's in my room?" George asked.

"Oh~ are you jealous that someone else is here." Dream teased. George shook his head no, he was more scared incase there was someone bad in there.

They walked into the room and the first thing George saw was someone on the mattress. A light brown, fluffy haired boy, a little taller than George, was cuffed to the wall and to the ground, just as George was during his first days here. The boy was crying and on the verge of a panic attack.

The previous night:

Dream waited on the front porch for Sapnap to get back. He had called an hour earlier and told him that he had a boy slightly shorter than him tied up in the trunk. The medicine Dream gave him wasn't strong enough to knock him out, and Sapnap couldn't make himself actually knock him out. He's to nice.

After fifteen minutes of waiting outside, Sapnaps black car drove up the driveway. He parked the car close to the house and got out.

"He's quieted down, but I don't know if he's asleep or not." Sapnap and Dream went over to the trunk. Once opened Dream could see the boy tied up and blind folded, also with his mouth taped shut.

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