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George slept through the morning and into the afternoon. When he woke up he was still in Dream's arms, just in a different position from before.

"How are you feeling?" Dream must've sensed the movement.

"A little better," George replied.

"It was probably from stress." Dream said. "You hungry?"

George nodded. "Alright, just wait a few more minutes."

George didn't question what that meant, instead he just laid in bed, on top of Dream, watching the tv. Dream was on his phone but had one arm wrapped around George's chest, holding him back on him.

A few minutes had passed when George heard the front door of the house open and someone was walking up the staircase. Unable to have enough courage to ask questions George kept quiet and waited to see who it was. Someone wearing a hoodie with a flame on it came into the room with McDonalds.

"Hey Sap," Dream said, repositioning himself and sat George on the bed next to him.

"Hey," The guy sat down in bed with them and handed Dream some food. Dream handed George some chicken nuggets and ketchup before getting his own food.

"So this is the little dude you snatched?" He asked Dream.

"Yeah, he's been pretty quiet today but you can try talking to him if you want." Dream explained.

"Quiet? Does he usually talk to you?"

"Sometimes, he usually just asks questions. Even though I don't usually answer them." George ate some of his chicken nuggets and listened to them talk. He was glad Dream got him chicken nuggets, they are the best.

"George, this is Sapnap. He lives in a little she shed on the side of my property."

"It's NOT a she shed. It's called a mini house that I wouldn't have to live in if you'd let me stay here." Sapnap said.

Whatever, maybe I'd let you stay here if you weren't so annoying. Anyway, George, say hi to him." Dream said. George mouthed the word "hi" and refused to speak.

"So how'd you get him up here so fast?" Sapnap asked Dream with a smirk.

"He woke up with a migraine so I took him up here to rest, he's been sleeping for a while." Dream explained. Sapnap stared at George for a moment to actually get a good look at him.

"Jesus christ he's tiny. How old is he?"

Dream tried not to laugh. "Twenty, kinda young but not really. I mean a little younger than us."

"I'm not tiny." George said, instinctively defending himself.

Dream and Sapnap laughed a little. "Look at you, compared to us." Dream grabbed him by the chin and pulled him closer. "You are little." He smirked.

Dream and Sapnap went back to their conversation like nothing had happened, while George sat and angrily finished his chicken nuggets.

They all finished their food and the other two kept their conversations going while George kind of just sat around. There wasn't really anything to do besides sitting and listening in on the conversation the other two had.

Eventually George found himself being pulled onto Dream's lap again. Dream had grabbed onto his arm and started pulling him closer, but the moment George pulled against it he was suddenly grabbed by the waist and pulled onto his lap. He was sat sitting sideways on his lap and Dream kind of forced George to lean onto his chest.

After what felt like hours to George, Sapnap had to leave. He let himself out, just as he clearly let himself in. Neither Dream or George talked for several moments, but Dream never let go of George.

Dream ran his fingers through George's hair. "You've got to shower." He said as he lifted himself out of bed carrying George with him.

"Now?" George asked.

"Yes," Dream put George on his feet and grabbed clothes for him before pulling him into his bathroom. "Take your clothes off and we can make this quick." Dream said as he turned the water on.

George didn't like where this was going. He froze and didn't do what Dream asked him to. Dream turned back to George and leaned into his ear.

"Come on, be a good boy." George got nervous and started visibly shaking and clearly on the verge of tears. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." Dream started pulling George's hoodie off but George was quick and flinched back. But now he was stuck between Dream and a wall.

"Let's make another deal~"

"Oh no," George thought when he heard that.

"You cooperate with me and I'll reward you after. What do you want?"

"To not do this. To go home." George murmured.

"You know that's not an option, pretty. How about I give you ice cream, do you like ice cream?" George nodded slowly. "Alright, then you'll get ice cream, once we do this."

Dream helped George pull his hoodie off of him then let him to the rest. George who was extremely uncomfortable didn't look at Dream he just got in the shower and let Dream wash him off.

At least Dream was being gentle with him, unlike last night. Dream made it quick like he said he would. It felt like ages to George but Dream got him in and out in minutes.

(Help me this is so awkward rn 💀 I hate myself for being a wattpad writer but somebody has to do it)

Dream dried him off and helped him into some of his own clothes. He was able to find pants that fit George but the hoodie on the other hand was quite big on him.

Dream then got toothpaste out of a drawer and a opened a new toothbrush from it's packaging. "Brush your teeth." Dream said as he left the bathroom going back into the bedroom.

"Finally," George was glad he could feel clean again even if he didn't know how long it would be before he could do it again.

Once he finished brushing his teeth he went back into the bedroom and found Dream waiting for him. Dream picked him up by the waist and put him back on the bed.

"I'll go get you ice cream, like I promised. You like chocolate?" George nodded. "Alright, sit and be good."

Dream left the room and George listen to each footstep get lighter and lighter as Dream walked down the stairs.

George knew that Dream most likely had locked him in the room. But it still wouldn't hurt to try. He got out of bed and lightly walked to the door. He grabbed the handle and slowly and silently tried to open the door. But it was locked after all.

George got back in the bed the same way Dream had left him. A few minutes later Dream came back with a bowl of ice cream and a water bottle. He gave George the bowl and let him eat it on his own.

Dream sat close to George.

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1165
Give me ideas for some future chapters :)

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