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-I'm giving you guys a chapter today and one tomorrow SO BE THANKFUL 👹 also heather was stuck in my head while writing this anyways bye-

George was left alone for what may have been hours. He got himself in the most comfortable position possible and tried his best to stay as warm as possible. All he had to keep himself warm was his hoodie.

What he was wearing was alright but joggers, a shirt and hoodie and thin socks isn't going to do much in a freezing cold basement.

"Fuck, I wish he didn't take my shoes." George thought. He tried to sit on top of his feet to keep them warm but really couldn't with one foot chained to the ground.

He was cold, lost, confused, sad, angry, hungry, and thirsty again. All he had to do to pass time was to wait for Dream to come back, and hopefully get food without getting physically abused this time.

George quietly started singing the first comfort song that came to mind to himself.

"I still remember third of December... you said it looked better.. only if you knew how much I liked you."

Thank god for Conan Gray otherwise he wouldn't have any sort of comfort right now.

"She's got you mesmerized while I die... I'm not even half as pretty... its just polyester.."

"Put your arm around her shoulder... she's such an angel.. kinda wish she was dead."

"But you like her better."

He sang it several times to himself hoping to give him some kind of relief. Then he waited and waited until the door opened back up.

Dream had a paper plate with a sandwich on it and some more water. "You wanna eat?"

"Yea," George said.

"Does your eye still hurt?"

"Yea," he mumbled again.

Dream sat next to George and held and ice pack to his left eye as he hand fed him the sandwich and gave him some more water. "No questions this time? Have you learned?" Dream teased.

George didn't say or do anything to respond. If he wasn't so hungry he probably would try again with asking questions.

"Dream," George said as he swallowed the last bite of his sandwich. "Bathroom?" He signaled.

Dream sighed. "I will take you upstairs to use the bathroom. But only once a day. And you better fucking behave." He sad as he began to unlock the cuff around George's foot.

Dream pulled George to his feet and held his upper arm to guide him up the stairs. For a dingy basement the first thing George noticed was how large and nice Dream's house was. George felt the comfort of heating again.

He was dragged directly to the nearest bathroom and in the doorway Dream uncuffed his hands. "You start behaving I'll give you two bathroom breaks in a day." Dream said in an irritated voice.

Dream let go of George and pushed him farther into the bathroom. "Hurry up." Dream kept the door open but stood right on the other side of the wall.

George hurriedly used the bathroom and washed his hands before Dream pulled him back over and cuffed his hands behind his back again.

He was pulled down the stairs and thrown onto the bed. "You behave yourself and your foot will stay uncuffed. Understand?"

"Yes," George said.

"Yes what?"

"Yes..." George's voice trailed off, unsure which direction to take this.

"Sir." Dream directed.

"Yes sir." George repeated softly. He hated saying that, especially to someone who didn't really deserve to make him say that.

Dream smirked and left the room for the rest of the night.

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 608

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