So you may know the stories about the Avengers, from Iron Man to Captain America to the Maximoff twins to Doctor Strange to the rest of the team. But you don't know my story because in your part of the multiverse I don't exist in those stories. So I'm here to explain to you who I am and what my purpose is in the multiverse and how I am also a part of different universes that are very much unlike my own.

Now to formally introduce myself, my name is Nia Strange. Yes Strange, as in Doctor Strange. Now you may be thinking how in the hell does Doctor Strange have a daughter, well remember every multiverse could have the same people but different stories. But back to the introduction, I'm currently 21 years old and I have lived in Stark Tower all my life well until I moved into Avengers Tower. To further explain this, the story of Tony Stark became Iron man happens when he was the age of 22, my dad became sorcerer supreme at 20, Steve got out of his cold sleep in 60 years, and the avengers were formed 8 years ago. (This math my not make sense but the point is everyone was younger).

My father was always there for him when I needed him but he could not really raise me, so he left my guardianship to Tony Stark. Even though my father was there when I needed him, he never really was there and my mother, well she was from a different universe and could raise me for reasons that are hard for my father doesn't like talking about. All he ever said was that there was a battle and she fought her hardest but that it was safer for me to be in this universe, since this is where my parents wanted to spend the rest of their lives in.

Tony Stark and Doctor Strange were and still are really best of friends. So that's why I spent my life in Stark Tower. I never really asked for anything but Tony gave me everything I needed and wanted and things I didn't need or want. He always said that he wanted to give me the attention that his father, Howard Stark, never gave him. So I let him give me things because it makes him smile. To make things easier my full name is technically Nia Stark Strange, just so people would also know that I was Stark's daughter, well technically. But anyways, I didn't really go to regular school, Tony and Pepper Potts hired private tutors because I was learning everything rapidly I was skipping grade levels left and right to the point where I graduated high school at age 12. College with a double major of coding and engineering at 14. And got my masters in science at age of 15. Pepper always called me her little prodigy.

Now you're probably wondering, since she lives with Tony Stark, does she have a suit? Or since she's Doctor Strange's daughter does she have powers? So to answer those questions, yes I have a suit made from nanotechnology that King T'Challa gave Stark when I turned 18. But the suit isn't what you think it is, it's not a iron man suit it's my super suit and I'll explain what it looks like later. And I do have powers, I studied sorcery from the ages 13 to 14 and reached my full potential at 14. Needless to say Strange, Stark, and Pepper were impressed along with the rest of the Avengers. And I'm also one of two chaos magic wielders. The first being Wanda Maximoff.

Wanda and her twin brother, Pietro Maximoff, came to live at Avengers Tower when we were 16. You know their story but this time they were afraid and left the experiments because they figured out that they were going to use them to harm people and while they were running that's when Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Stark found them. They didn't trust Stark at first but after a few months they grew to trust him. I quickly became best friends with Wanda and Pietro and I became friends and when we were 17, he asked me out and we've been dating ever since, well technically.

But back to explaining my chaos magic, after we retrieved, what was later explained to us by Thor, the mind stone. I was helping Tony and Bruce Banner, the green Hulk himself, in the lab trying to figure out where we could move it too. And well I accidentally touched it when I was reaching for another tablet. It gave me the same abilities as Wanda kinda; I can create those energy manipulation matter fireballs of purple light from my hands, I can read minds, and create/fix objects, but I can also turn invisible, change people's moods, and I have the ability to move things with my mind. Oh yeah I can also control the elements. Both Strange and Stark were pissed, worried but excited to see what I could do.

Just as a heads up I call Doctor Strange, either papá or just Strange and I call Tony Stark either dad or Stark. They told me that my mom was part hispanic so they wanted to not forget my culture so they had me learn Spanish and for that I was grateful for because even though I never knew her I'm glad I had a part of her. My dads have both done so much for me and I think they both deserve the title. But Pepper is just pepper, I couldn't bring myself to call her mom and she understood that and I was grateful for that.

Currently I'm training with Natasha, or Tia Nat as I call her. She's been training me for years now because she always says "you need to be well protected and the best person for the job is yourself," which absolutely makes sense. We are almost done with our training session when Clint walks in with his bow and arrow telling me that I need to get some target practice in. Recently I started learning how to use the bow but no one really knows except Clint and Nat. I'm not the best at it but Clint says I'm getting stronger with it and soon I'll be ready to show my dads so I can get a bow made for myself. Nat stayed while I was training and the walked up to me with a concerned look on her face.

"Nia, honey you need to take a break every once and a while. You are gonna tire yourself out" Nat said as she handed me my water bottle.

"Tia I know, but I haven't been working myself too hard. Is the bow and arrow new? Yes. But Clint says I'm almost done with my training, right Clint?" I question him.

"Yes you're almost done, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't take a break. And Nat you know that I wouldn't do anything that would push her too hard"

"Fine but Nia take the rest of the day off." I open my mouth to argue back but she quickly adds, "I mean it Nia. I already talked to both Stark and Strange and they know not to come bugging you with work."

"Okay fine, there really is no point in arguing with you" I laugh and start walking out of the room. I turn around and run back to Nat and give her the biggest hug "thank you Tia Nat"

"Of course mija, now go relax" Nat says as I say a quick see you later to her and Clint. Natasha Romanoff being Natasha Romanoff speaks multiple languages but learned Spanish for me. She's like another mother to me just like Pepper but I can't bring myself to call her mom either. But she understands just like Pepper.

I walked into the kitchen to make myself lunch since it is now 1:30pm. But as I walked into the room I saw that Pepper was in the kitchen and already ordered my favorite BLT from my favorite deli, Del Mar's. Nothing is better than those subs. I knew Nat also called her.

"I figured that since you have the rest of the day off that you would want to start it with a treat" she smiled at me and handed me a plate.

"Thank you Pepper you always know exactly how to make me smile"

"So what are you going to do today?"

"Honestly Pep, I don't know. I mean I didn't plan anything seeing as how I didn't argue with Nat about taking the rest of the day off not that long ago" Pepper and I laugh.

I add quickly add after I catch my breathe "I might just hangout with Pietro after he's done with his training for the day, and Wanda's on a mission with Sam and Steve right now. So no best friend at the moment"

"Well at least you have your boyfriend" she smiles.

"Yup I do" I start blushing and Pepper notices and she was about to say something when this blue blur come out of nowhere.

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