When I woke up with morning I asked Jarvis to take off the clearance restrictions that I put on Daisy, and asked if Jarvis could leave her a message to come up to our kitchen on the 152 floor. It's now 8:25 and everyone is going to be up soon because everyone has training at 9:00 am.

"There's my Nia," my Tia Nat walked up to me and hugged me, "your dad told me what happened with Pietro, I'm glad everything is better now."

"Thank you it is"

"So what are you doing up this early?"

"I've been waiting for someone to come up, so I can talk to them."

She was about to ask who but then everyone walked in and started getting breakfast. Soon enough Daisy walked in.

"How did she get in here?" Wanda asked standing up.

"What are you going here?" Pietro followed.

"Jarvis, what happened?" My dad said after.

"Jarvis please hold off, I asked her to be here." As I said that everyone's emotions turned into shock and confusion.

I turned around to her and walked closer "how are you feeling?"

"Umm better thank you. I just want to say I'm sorry for everything that happened. I really was excited to meet you and all of this happened. I'm so sorry." Daisy said rather quickly.

"Daisy it's okay, it wasn't your fault-" I was cut off my Wanda.

"What do you mean it wasn't her fault?"

"Hold on Wanda I'll explain right now," I said and then turned back to Daisy. "It wasn't your fault, right now in a different reality someone or something has the infinity stones from their reality. And right now we don't know why they came after you yet. But my father and I are going to be protecting you, as well as putting protection spells, until we get the all clear" I explained to her.

"Okay well thank you and thank you for giving me my clearance back, umm I promise that I won't get in your way or Pietro's way."

"It's not your fault, I've seen first hand when it wasn't someone's fault" I say looking back at Bucky. "It's going to take some time to not see you as the girl who kissed my boyfriend but knowing that it wasn't from your own personal decision, it is going to be making it easier to forget about it. And I actually read your file and you seem pretty tech savvy and all parts of your powers are amazing when they aren't used on me," I say with a laugh, "sorry too soon. I'm sorry"

"No it's fine it was funny" she tells me.

"Okay good, umm but I would love to get to know you and see how you worked your way up S.H.I.E.L.D"

"Definitely, I'm supposed to be training soon,"

"Oh yeah, umm you can eat with us if that's alright with you?" She nodded and we grabbed our food and she sat next to me. Once everyone heard what had happened they were nicer to her. Especially Bucky, understanding where she is coming from, yes it's not the same but he at least can relate to her. Wanda let her thoughts me loud, "are you sure about this?"

I let me thoughts be loud too, "yes Wanda I promise you," she nodded and we continued for the day.

We've spent the day training and now we are training outside to get more a sense fighting in the elements. It's cloudy today so I just added fog to the air to make things more interesting. But then my father shows up, "Nia protection spell Pietro now."


"Just do it now"

"Okay okay"

I put the spell on Pietro and at the corner of my eyes I see someone running quickly to us. It's Edward.

He runs and grabbed Pietro and threw him back. I used my speed to run after Edward. Pietro, pushed Edward back, but Edward pushed his feet into the ground stopping him. I stopped everyone from running to Edward because the spell was wearing off of Pietro. I got Edward and wrapped my leg around his back and dropped in down to the ground, like I did during training for the new born army.

"Edward that's enough" I told him.

"He broke your heart Nia"

"Edward a lot of things happened and I'll explain it to you but you can't attack him anymore. Understand?" he nodded and I helped him up.

"It was all a big, huge actually, miss understanding, having to do with mind control. I promise everything is fine now," I explain to him.

"Okay as long as you are fine and happy" he said to me.

"You know I should have expected that move from you" he says with a laugh.

"Yeah you should have" I told him giving him a hug.

"I know it's been a few weeks but we miss you," he says letting go of the hug.

"I know what you mean it's been a few weeks for you guys but it's been a few days for me"

Pietro walked up to us slowly, "hey Edward, I know you protect her like a little sister, and I'm incredibly thankful for that, but I just wanted to say that I never intended to hurt her."

"I trust what Nia is saying so okay. But if you ever hurt my sister again, I will come back to get you and there is no spell that Nia could put on you or no super hero that can help you. Understand?" Pietro nodded as Edward ended.

"And if you hurt my brother again, there is no vampire ability that you or your other siblings have that could have that could stop me. Understand?" Wanda came up and told Edward.

"Yes I understand." Edward said with a laugh but said in his head that he knew she wasn't lying.

Edward turned to me and asked "Hey I know it hasn't been that long, but can Renesmee come and spend some time with you for a little bit?"

"Ummm papá, dad, would it be okay if I skip training today?" I looked at both of them and they looked at each other then back at me and nodded.

"Yeah, go a head,"

"Thank you thank you," I told them and looked at Edward "yeah, she can come, let me just get ready."

Edward went through the portal to get Renesmee while I got rid of the fog, it's crazy how I learned to expand my powers.

"Thor can you handle the atmosphere around here?"

"Oh course Lady Stark Strange"

"Thank you"

He nodded at me, and I walked over to Pietro.

"I'll be back later, ima take my niece slash goddaughter out for the day" I told him giving him a hug.

He held me by my waist still not letting go, "Okay, we'll have fun and be careful"

"Always" I gave him a kiss and let go of him.

I used my speed to run up into my room and quickly showered and got ready. I created a portal back to the outside training, everyone was still out there and Edward, Renesmee, and Rosalie came out of the portal. I gave Rosalie and Renesmee a hug, causing everyone to stop and look at us.

"Okay so formal introduction, guys this is my brother Edward and my sister Rosalie, and this chiquita vampira is my niece and goddaughter, and Edward's daughter, Renesmee" I told everyone.

"Rosalie, Edward, Renesmee, this is my family and friends I was telling you about"

Everyone said there hellos and I created a portal to my car in the garage.

Stark Stange: The ProtectorWhere stories live. Discover now