It's Alice and Jasper.

Alice and Jasper are walking towards Aro and the rest of the Volturi. The grab Jasper back and slap him, and the grab Alice. But Alice said that she has something to show Aro explaining the Renesmee won't be a danger to us all. She pulls her hand back and says "it doesn't matter what I show you, you don't care" and she pulls her hand back.

Alice looks back at Bella and mouths, "Now."

Bella looks at Jacob and says "take care of my daughter" and he runs off with her into the woods. I send her clear message telling her that I'll meet with them later, but I have to make sure that people are safe. Then a vampire runs after Jacob and Alice kicks Aro back. Some vampires not are holding Alice back and Carlisle runs to get her but that's when the worse happens. Aro jumps up and rips him apart.

Esme screams and that's when we all start running towards each other. Fighting and ripping people apart. Jasper is fighting and Jane is trying to use her powers on him but it's not working because Bella is expanding her shield to him. But one of the Volturi members notice and tackle Bella, leaving Jasper open. Jane uses her ability on him and the take him out. Alice screams and rips apart the vampires that were holding her, and runs after Jane. Alice is being protected by Bella and is dodging vampires left and right to get to Jane. Alice grabs Jane and pulls her down, and taking her to Sam.

I start fighting vampires left and right, then I see Leah almost get covered by vampires. So I run over to her and start ripping them apart and pulling the off her. When we rip up the last one we see a vampire grab Seth and squish him until the end. Leah and I freeze and then she howls letting them know that Seth is gone. I run up the the vampire, angry and not stopping. I caught him and threw him down, then I threw him to Leah, Sam, and Embry.

Benjamin looks at me and we both look around and it seems like we are starting to loose. And I hear is thoughts loud and clear saying "we need to do something that is effective and can help us." So, we look at each other one more time and punch the ground at the same time. This big opening I now on the ground were we can throw the Volturi into.

Then Esme is struggling to get out of the opening we just did because there is a vampire on her back. Leah jumped to take the vampire off of her, causing her to fall as well. "Thank you for everything Nia, I'll say a Hi to Seth for you" she let her thoughts be loud enough for me to hear. I helped Esme out and she continued to fight.

I need to get to Jacob and Renesmee, so I start running into the woods. I turn around and see two vampires following me. I climb up a tree and turn invisible. I jump down as they are looking for me, and rip them apart. One of them threw be back and I phased into a wolf ripping him apart. I phased back and took a light out to threw it down, and I think that this is path Jacob was on because I saw another ripped apart vampire so I put him with the others.

I made sure there was no other vampires following me, so I created a portal to the end of the woods and there I found Jacob coming out of them.

"Tia Nia, is it really you?" Renesmee asked me.

"Yes it is," I told her.

"If it's really you, what's the nickname you gave me?" She asked me with worry radiating off of her.

"Mi chiquita vampria" i told her and she had the biggest smile on her face.

Then everything turned white, Alice let go of Aro's hand and said "no you see that's your future." Bella and Edward were the ones to rip him apart.

"I have proof that the child won't be a danger, I've been looking for witnesses of my own" Alice explained.

"We don't need anymore witnesses"

"Let her speak brother" Aro said rather quickly.

Then Alice brought out a vampire who is also half human and half vampire. He explained how he can survive on either blood or human blood.

"How old are you?" Bella asked.

"A hundred and fifty years" he said.

He also explained how we become fully grown 7 years after he was born. Letting us know that we have so much time with Renesmee.

"Are we just going to over look that the Cullen's are fraternizing with wolves, our natural enemy?" The blonde vampire said.

"There is no fight today, as you can see there is no law broken here." Aro said and looking back at us like he still wants something. But then leaves. We are all safe and Renesmee can live a long life with her parents.

Action sequences are always
weird to write lol

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