It's been a week and Edward and I haven't spoken. I was walking into the living room to see if Bella needed anything and I bumped into Edward.

"I'm sorry" I said and tried to walk off.

"No I'm sorry" he said.

"It's fine" I tried walking again but he started talking again.

"No Nia I mean I'm sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't have assumed something like that about you. And I know you can't tell us certain things. I'm sorry Nia"

"I forgive you, and I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gone off like that. I know you are going through a hard time and everyone is dealing with it in a different way. I'm sorry" I told him.

"I forgive you too" he opens his arms and gives me a hug.

I hug back and tell him "having brothers and sisters is a learning experience."

We both laugh and he lets go of the hug "trust me, it was the same when I got all my siblings too"

And then we walked to where we're heading.

It's been and week, we all know Jacob is going to be coming soon. Bella's just told Charlie that she's not feeling good and so they are going to stay for a little longer.

And we were all correct because all of us vampires in the house can hear Jacob's motorcycles pull up to the house. Carlisle goes to open the door, and we all wait for them to come into the living.

"Jake is that you?" Bella yelled out.

Jacob quickly entered the room, but Rosalie was blocking him from seeing Bella.

"Rose, it's okay" Bella tells her and she stand to the side.

Jacob sees Bella and his thoughts are loud: "is she okay?" "She has to be human still, right?"

These and many more things were running through his head. He sat down on the table and looked straight at Bella.

"Well you look terrible," he said with a slightly playful laugh which made Bella laugh as well.

"Thanks Jake"

"So are you going to tell me whats wrong?" Jacob asked her.

"Rosalie Nia you guys wanna help me up" Bella looked at the both of us. Rosalie grabbed her left arm and I got her from her right arm. Bella is now much bigger than she was two weeks ago. She more tired and can barely stand for long periods of time. Rosalie and I let go of her when she fixes herself to stand up straight.

Jacob looks at her, and his eyes widen. He quickly walks over to Edward, and I run to Edward's left side while Emmett's on the right. Emmett and I hold on shoulder each holding Jacob back while he blames Edward for putting Bella in this position.

Jacob then turns around, and walks toward Carlisle asking what he's going to do about this. Leading Jacob to go back and forth with Rosalie because they both have different options.

"I can't see Bella's future anymore" Alice said.

"And neither can I" I added.

"I also can't see its future" Alice said again.

"Just say what it is, a baby. It's just a just a little baby" Rosalie said defensively.

"Possibly" Jasper said.

"This is my decision not anyone else's, so please stop" Bella said while sitting back down on the couch.

Jacob starts freaking out and is yelling at everyone. He walks back up to Edward, I can tell he is wanting to phase. But I go in front of him and look him in the eyes and turn off his emotions.

"Jacob I know you can hear me and I need you to pay attention. I didn't want to use my powers on you right now but I had to. You're emotions are off, because I need you to calm down. So when I turn them back off you need to be calm okay. I need you to answer me but if you can't say it I need you to think it" I told him.

"Okay I understand and I'll try to stay calm." Jacob thought loudly.

"Okay I'm turning them back on"

I looked back into his direction and turned them back on. Then Edward asked if he could talk to Jacob outside.

After Jacob and Edward had there talk, Jacob came inside to talk to Bella. To try to change her mind but that didn't happen. Jacob left and ran into the woods as a wolf.

About 30 minutes later I was outside with Edward when Jacob came back with Seth.

"They're coming for Bella" Jacob said seriously.

"We won't let them touch her" Edward told him.


"Nia, put a protection spell on her" Jacob said to me.

"Already on it"

Edward and I went inside and told everyone that the wolves know and that they are coming after Bella. But about 10 minutes later Jacob comes back to the house.

"He's going to come go you guys, but not head on he knows he's out numbered. But he'll come at you strong" Jacob explained Sam's plan. Leah left the pack just like Seth did when he followed Jacob.

"What about the treaty?" Rosalie asked.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind" Jacob quickly answered.

"Well not in ours" Esme told everyone.

"Carlisle what are we going to do no one has hunted in weeks?" Emmett asked.

"We'll make do" Esme quickly answered.

"Thank you Jacob you've done us a great service."

Carlisle and Jacob shook hands, and Jacob went back outside to talk to Leah and Seth. I walked to where Bella was sleeping. I did my hand motions the same why my father does to put a protection spell on her. I didn't want to stress her out right now, so I put the spell on her while she's asleep.

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