My father makes a portal and before I knew it we were standing outside of a different house.


"So where are we?" I asked my father.

"Well you'll see right n-" Strange was about to finish his sentence when he was cut off by the one and only Billy Black who was coming outside with his son.

"Dr. Stephen Strange, it's good to see you again. I assume that this place needs protection"

"Ah Billy good to see you, and yes. This is why my daughter is here" my father steps to the side so I can step forward.

"Hello, I'm Nia Stark Strange...well technically here Nia Clearwater Cullen. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you young lady. You look just like your father but the nose and the eyes."

"Why thank you, my father says I have my mother's eyes and nose."

"Well this is my son Jacob Black" billy says to both my father and I. We shake hands and have a quick introduction.

"So we are here just to make sure that she has the gene and since she already was by Vampires the gene should take effect."

"Gene? You mean the wolf gene?" I try to process, then remember something "wait is this the family tie to this place?"

"Yes Nini, your couple of something great grandmothers ago was the only female that had the gene but moved to another universe where she lived her new life." My father explained to me.

"Woah this is crazy, I never- I...this is amazing" I finally get out then I quickly add "so why are we here? If I already have the gene?"

"Just to make extra sure, Billy is going to see if you have it?"

Billy looked at me straight in my eyes and said yes.

"Okay good do what do I do now" i say as I feel a transformation coming. I see all three of them step back and suddenly I'm on all fours standing taller than I am.

I quickly ran into the woods to phase back into a human and make myself some new clothes because I then remembered that after you phase you need clothes.

I make a portal back to my father, Billy, and Jacob.

"How was it? Are you fine?" Strange asked me.

"Yes papá Im doing fine, it's just a surreal feeling that is amazing"

"Okay good now you just have to touch Billy's arm here to get information about the tribe."

Billy holds out his arm and I quickly get everything I need.

"Thank you Billy, well we have to go" my father says to Billy and then leans over to me and says "but you'll be seeing Jacob soon."

I say my goodbyes and walk with my dad through a portal to the Cullen's house. We entered in the kitchen and my father stops.

"Okay my Nini, I have to go. You'll do amazing, I know you will. Just remember to be safe while you're protecting everyone, okay."

"Thank you papá. I will be safe, you know I will be." I say stepping up to give him a hug. He squeezes me and tells me a final goodbye and that if I need anything to send a message through the portal. And with that he leaves.

I walk into the living room, and see the Cullen's still sitting in the room.

"Hello, I'm back."

"Hey Nia, where did you go" Alice asked.

Stark Stange: The ProtectorWhere stories live. Discover now