It's been about a couple days and we have many more witness, some friends of Carlisle's, Jasper's, and Emmett's. Today Carlisle came back with four new witness, one of them being Benjamin. Renesmee just finished showing showing him her memories. He takes her hand and cover it. He created a small little dirt tornado and pushes into the air, then it just disappears.

"Hey that's just like what my Tia Nia does with me" Renesmee says with a smile looking at me.

"You can do that?" Benjamin asked.

"Yeah," I lift up my hand and start a little spiral on the floor in which Renesmee flying up and down into the middle, and then I let the dirt fall around her.

"That's really cool" he tells me, but everything then stops when two new vampires from the Amazon show up. Bella and Edward take her up to them because Edward knows them.

Everything is good great until we get a note from Alice, saying that her and Jasper left and that the Volturi is coming when the snow sticks go the floor. Bella took a look at it and it seems like she knows something.

A couple days later, we all started talking that if we have to fight we will.

"What if it's not Alice they just want? What's to say they won't go after, Benjamin, Kate, Zafrina, or anyone else with a special ability. So if you want to fight be it for not just my family but for yours." Edward starts saying.

"The packs will fight, we've never been scared to fight some vampires."

Everyone starts standing up one by one saying that they will fight.

We are all outside, with everyone testing there abilities. Edward looks around and tells Bella "if you weren't holding my hand right now, I would believe this is real."

"Believe what?" Bella asked looking at him.

"Edward you never told me your wife was a shield" Eleazar walked up to us getting Edward out of his scenery

"What's a shield?" Bella asked looking around.

"The ones I met in the past are so different" Edward looked at her.

"Should've put it on her ass" Kate said as she grabbed Bella's hand trying to send an electric shock but it wasn't working.

"It's to bad that it won't help me fight" Bella tells her

"No but it could help the rest of us if you can expand it" Eleazar tells her.

"You can do that?" She asked him.

"Yeah before it was just in my hands now I can move it all over" Kate explained to Bella.

"Show me" Bella said to Ake while grabbing her hand and hurting her slightly in the process.

Kate was going to say something but we were a noise coming from somewhere in the woods, then I heard Jacob's thoughts loud.

"Nia I don't know if you can hear me but there are some vampires here that I haven't seen before. But I'm training the new pack and we are going after them!"

My hands start glowing light purple and I push off the ground, fly up and look for Jacob and the new members of the pack, that have been recently phasing since many vampires have been in the area. I can feel the confusion, radiating off of the other vampires who have never seen me use my powers but I have to push that to the side right now.

I find them and as I land I phase into a wolf stand right next to the vampires who are messing with Jacob and the new wolves. Everyone saw me phase into a wolf and everyone has a million questions. Then Carlisle says the names of these two vampires, indicating that they know them. So I stand down and jump down next to Jacob, and phase back.

"Are the new pack members alright?" I ask him.

"Yeah they're fine. Just need to more practice." He lets his thoughts be loud.

"Okay get them out of here for now" I told him and they ran off.

"Okay so we need to talk about what just happened?" Garret, one of Emmett and Carlisle's friend, said. 

"Yeah let's just back to the house." Carlisle started.

Once we got back to the house they started asking questions but Carlisle was the one to explain because we didn't want to reveal to much out who I am.

"Yes Nia is a vampire and also yes she's a wolf. She has different kinds of abilities that are not from this world but she's here to protect us. And protect our world." Carlisle tells everyone.

"You can not tell anyone anything about what I can do. But just know I won't let anything bad happen to any of you" I quickly add.

"But the tribe around here is one that has many many generations, how is she a wolf?" Carmen asked.

"She has family that traces back to the tribe here" Carlisle added.

"And the other powers?" Kate asked.

"Kind of hard to explain, so we'll tell you guys later"

"Okay, wait one more question. Is she a shield too?" Benjamin asked.

"In a sense yes, most powers don't work on her," Carlisle explained to them.

"But Can she expand it as well?" Eleazar asked.

"I can't expand it but there is something that I can do and I will do it when the time it right" I explained to them.

Everyone nodded and I can still hear all the questions that they have because their thoughts are so loud.

I really hope this made sense.
I just want to remind y'all that
sometimes I don't really follow plot lines

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