But as I was about to cross the front of the big monitor, a blue blur zoomed past me.

"I've been wondering were the annoying little speedster has been." My dad said.

"Please Nia, come talk to me" Pietro looked at me.

"No Pietro I'm not doing this now" I turned around and tried walking away but he ran in front of me again.

"Princesa please"

"No you don't get to call me that anymore"

"Nia lets talk please," he looked at me and I can feel all his emotions radiating off

"Fine you wanna talk, then talk. Tell me why the hell you cheated on me. Tell me why while I was gone all I did was wait for the day when I would come back to be with you. Tell me why Wanda had me promise that I wouldn't find someone else was I was away, and I thought she was crazy because I wouldn't even look at someone else because I have you. But maybe you should have been the one to make that promise. Or tell me why one of the first things when I got home was seeing you kiss that S.H.I.E.L.D agent," as I was talking I could feel everyone's emotions change to shock and I this point had tearing lightly running down my face.

"You cheated on my daughter" my dad stood up and says with an angry tone.

"You kissed someone else after all the begging you did," my father stood up. What begging is he talking about? They both were trying to walk forward but Christine and Pepper stopped them.

"No Nia please it's not like that, I don't even know who she is" Pietro started.

"Wow that makes this all better"

"Nia please I forgave you when you kissed Bucky" Pietro said and I turned around to see my dad and my father turn to Bucky.

"You kissed my daughter Tin Man" my dad said to Bucky.

"My Nini, Barnes, what is wrong with you" my father said. They both were trying to walk forward but my hands up and they started glowing lightly pushing my dads back. Because my father grabbed the cloak and my dad grabbed the Iron Man blasters. And then I put a protection spell on Bucky.

"Pietro that is not the same because we were broken up. You decided to listen to my father when he told you to break up with me. My mood control power was all over the place that I accidentally enhanced the emotions I wanted on the closest person which was Bucky. I've apologized to Bucky and you. So you have no reason to try to bring this up because we were broken up, we were very much still together when you kissed her."

I stopped the field that was keeping my dads back and turned back to Pietro. He was about say something when the S.H.I.E.L.D agent he kissed walked in.

"Finally you took of and I couldn't find you," the S.H.I.E.L.D agent said.

"Stay away from me I don't even know who you are, you ruined everything" Pietro tells her.

"Great look who it is?" I say and turn around and I was about to say something but Coulson walked in.

"Oh great she's here, I wanted to introduce you guys to my right hand, and one of the best agents I've ever recruited. Avengers this is Daisy Johnson, Daisy these are the Avengers," Phil introduces her.

"Well at least I know your name now, you know I always thought that Coulson was amazing at picking agents, but now I don't know anymore" I tell her.

"You're an avenger?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Oh come on, they won't stand by you, when they hear that you blasted Pietro back and the mess you caused a couple floors down,"

"First of all, I did not blast Pietro back, I put a force field up and it was his fault for walking into it even after we saw me put it up. Second, the windows and the mess would not be all over the place if you didn't try to blast me first and I stopped it before it could get worse. And third, this is my family, they will stand by me no matter what."

"Oh really? Like you personally know the King of Wakanda, the former Winter Solider, the god of thunder, and the rest of them?" She says with a laugh.

"Yes Daisy I do. The king of Wakanda is my best friend and has been my best friend for 16 years, the former winter soldier has been my friend for two years and goes by Sargent Barnes now for you information, the god of thunder has known me since I was 4, and almost everyone else here either is my best friends or has know me since I was little. So yes I would say I know all of them personally" I explain to her.

Her mood changed to anger and blasted me back, I fell but I got up quickly.

"You need to stop. I already told you that I'm not going to fight you,"

"What don't show everyone how weak you are? Or you scared Pietro will choose me over you?"

The anger in me starts to take over, and I'm not saying anything to her but I can still she Daisy and Pietro kissing in my head. I can feel myself getting angrier and angrier.

"Why is smoke coming out of her?" Peter asked.

"Is Nia okay? Is it her elemental control" T'Challa asked.

Then I can feel myself in all fours just staring at the agent in front of me. Then my dads come between us, "Nia honey im going to need your to breathe," Tony says first. "Nini, phase back" strange said after.

I phase back and thankfully, the spell I created is still working.

"I'm sorry, no matter how in control a wolf is with their phasing, when anger is in play control doesn't matter. I'm sorry," they come up to me and hug me.

"It's okay Nini it's okay"

I can hear everyone's thoughts wondering what just happened so I told them that I would explain later and turned back to Daisy.

She put her hand up and I knew she was going to send another vibration, so I quickly opened my bow and arrows, and got a vibration absorbing bow and shot it about 5 feet away from her, catching everything she was trying to hit me with.

I put it away and said "that's enough, you are no longer welcome here...Jarvis?"

"Yes Ms. Stark Strange, it's good to hear from you again,"

"Same here, can you please not allow Daisy Johnson from entering levels 150 and above once she leaves this level and im the only one who can over ride the request,"

"Of course Ms. Stark Strange. Anything else?" Jarvis asked me.

"No, thank you Jarvis,"

"No problem"

Daisy looked at me, "you can't do that im a high ranking S.H.I.E.L.D agent. I have clearance for every level. Phil?"

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